Sunday, June 22, 2008

Ministry Recap - Friday

Today the group was split into a basic school team (working all morning with children ages 3-6), and a school assembly team (with 2 high school assemblies and a primary school assembly scheduled).

The school assembly team had to be up at 5:30AM and out the door by 6:15AM (parents, you would be shocked to know your children are capable of this ;) Plenty of opportunities to be flexible today - when we arrived at Marcus Garvey Tech (high school), the principal acted as though she forgot we were coming. Instead of sharing a devotional with the entire school of 1000, we shared with an 8th grade class of about 40 students. Despite it being so early in the morning with a much smaller audience than anticipated, our students still gave everything they had. We challenged Joey to share the closing message and prayer, and he willingly accepted (good practice for a future youth pastor :)

We went directly to our next assembly, which was Parrytown Primary. We arrived about a half hour early, so we spent that time playing cricket with the boys and learning hand games with the girls - SO FUN! They were a well-behaved but enthusiastic group of students for the assembly, and we loved it! At the end, the principal gave them a few minutes just to greet us and hang out with us, which was great.

We were supposed to return to Marcus Garvey Tech in the afternoon for a second assembly, but we were told that it might be cancelled. This week and next, all the high school students in Jamaica have final exams, so they are not as open to visitors and interruptions. We eagerly waited for the call from the principal, but when she did call, she sadly informed us that they could not accomodate us. The students took it well, and went to work painting and cleaning and tearing out sinks! In the late afternoon, we showered at the falls, had dinner, and then headed off to the youth service.

We were asked to be a part of the youth service at Church on the Rock, with Pastor O-mar. Cheriah kicked off the service and Joey led worship (with Patrick, Alyse, Ivelisse, Niki, and Sheena). I preached my message from Galatians 5:7, and we tied the dramas and a moving testimony from Sheena into the message. The whole night went well, and the response at the end was overwhelming. Our students spent nearly an hour praying their hearts out and talking with the other students at the youth service! What a way to end the day! 

When we returned, we had to relocate family time - you should see the speakers these guys set up in the street on a Friday night (I think PE said there were 8 subwoofers!) Crazy loud. 

What a day!


Pastor Courtney and the week 2 crew


janine said...

dear 'preacher joe'...


speechless with

thankful tears

and prayers...

you are loved
~mom 4321

Kim&Ken said...

Don't worry about the change in plans with the school, God already knew where you needed to be.
Keep up the fantastic work, we are all so proud of all of you. GO JOE!!
Brittany, you are beautiful and filled with the joy that comes from serving our King.
Counting down the days until we see you!! We can't wait to here about all the details!!!!
See you soon.

Alisha said...

Hey Guys... looks like you all are having fun but I was wondering if someone lost my sister? Her name is Angela & I have not seen many pictures of her! I just wanted to make sure she is still there! haha... I need some evidence!!!! Thanks guys! :-)

fernandez said...

Great work everyone!! Elly you should have done a great job if you were on the "sink tearing" team...remember you practice this technique at the Blue Marsh Canteen!! Margarita would be sooo happy to know her Spain fan is working so well in another country...and you were actually going to leave it home!! We miss you all but this blogspot is fab! Love and prayers to all...always!

F Troop in Vero Beach