Friday, June 13, 2008

Jamaica 08 Video - Wed & Thurs


janine said...

Amazing! Your hands busy serving with the heart of God!

I pray you will continue to see His awesome life-changing wonder in those around you and in your own life.


joey: 300 hits?...missing you.
Makes my heart smile to see your love for God, expressed. Melissa heard from Jeremy...they are making bricks to use to build with. Might be those early years of you guys playing with Lego's? Keep that cornerstone.
-mom 4321

Christine "AKA" MOM said...

This video was awesome it feels like we are with you God Bless you all when you are weak God will give you strength......Thank you again all the Pastors and Leaders for taking such good care of our kids........

Unknown said...

Wow, looks like you guys are having a great time. continue to do Gods work and be blessed.
Keely, we miss you. It's not the same with you not here.I continue to pray for you.
Luv Ya

adascalescu said...

"... and His banner over me is love."
-Song of Solomon 2:4

That's what I see on that video. God flying a banner of love over your team. Its a reminder to that community, to that country, that He loves them, too.

The humbling amount of dirt, muck, sweat that I saw on our loving construction team, combined with the joy and enthusiasm of the children's ministry team, I saw an incredible picture of the depths of God's love. The lengths at which He will go to raise "His banner of love" over others.
I pray today that each of you march on with that banner held high. I pray that you are strengthened, and that "you may have grasp how wide and long, high and deep is the love of Christ-"

All my love,

Momma said...

Jamaica Team:

AWESOME!!! It is the Lord that brings all things together and He is doing incredible things with the entire team. We are so proud of you all.

The video is phenominal. It makes us here at home feel as if we are right there with you guys. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of it each day.

Keep up all the good work, God is refreshing you in the heat and keeping you all strong in Him.

We miss you all and we are so proud of you.

Ms. Krystal

jennk said...

nice video work!