Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Momma said...


It is so good to know the crew made it down there safe and sound. God is good.

Your photo brought tears to my eyes. You don't look like are burning up yet. So the black folks back here at home said to make sure I tell you to wear that sunblock.

God is so Good ALL THE TIME...Use this time to grow in the Lord in every aspect.

Use all your gifts as an offering to the Lord, He will supply every need in your life today and always and He will lead you every step of the way. Work hard but don't forget to stop and smell the flowers...

I miss you tremendously (but not the ATTITUDE)LOL and I love you even more.

Hugs & Kisses,

Momma said...


I have a message from your sister and brother. Sissy says that its peaceful with out. It gives her time to T-H-I-N-K. Imagine her thinking. I know you're laughing. Tayl said to tell you what's up and that you should hurry home so he can beat you in X-Box 360. Tyson has been looking for you for the past few days and doesn't understand whee you got too:>) They both miss you and love you.