Thursday, June 19, 2008

More pics from Team 2's arrival...


Anonymous said...

God does not begin by asking our ability, only our availability, and if we prove our dependability, He will increase our capability.

Neal A. Maxwell

Think about it. i like it. good stuff.

Real Life Youth said...

Ahhh Ang, I feel better now that I see you smiling in that picture. Love and Prayers to you.


Oh by the way I am drinking water with ICE!!!! LOL

Kim&Ken said...

I feel better too seeing Brittany smiling with the other girls.
You all look so filled with joy.
We are praying for ya!!!

Rachel T said...

Where is Andrea??!! I love everyone but honestly her family would appreciate some pictures as well, and not her in the background somewhere--


Rachel T said...

for all we know she is dead or held hostage by a teen challenge guy--

And please make sure she is looking at the camera as lovely as ever. Her husband and I beg of you. Thank you for your compliance and consideration. And please tell her we love her and miss her already and she needs to come home soon.


Unknown said...

Hi Brandy, it's mom. I almost didn't recognize you without a cell phone in your hands, haha. Brad and I are gonna hang out together tonight, lol. I'll tell him you said hi, and I will give him this website so he can write something to you.


Essie said...

I am so stinkin proud of you all! seeing you already working and playing with the kids at the basic school makes me wish i was still there. To all the week 1 crew still over there i just want to encourage you to stay strong and even though you're exhausted from this past week, don't hold anything back. God still wants to do amazing things in your life this week. PE and Court hang in there! i love you so much and miss you. it was so weird goin home without you. it was like our team was missing it's daddy and well i guess big sis. ha I love you tons.
To all the week 2 people, I am so excited for you! You are going to experience things this week that will stretch you and make you do things that you never thought you would. The people you see in Jamaica will ALWAYS have a place in your heart. Be willing to do whatever challenge comes your way and you will be so happy that you did. God is gonna do amazing things in you this week. Just let him and you will have no regrets.
Sorry this is so long but i just love you all so much! I'll be checking up on the blog as much as i can (hopefully every day) and will be praying for you constantly.

Much Love, Essie:-)

~Philippians 4:13~
"I can do all things through Him who gives me strength"

Anonymous said...

Wow guys!!! i am so glad that you were able to experience the love and welcoming arms of the basic school. FInally you can see what has captured week 1's hearts. =] It looks like your having a great time already. Angela--im glad your happy again. We love and miss you!
To week 2, I hope you let yourselves be used and stretched this week. Dont be afraid to step out of your comfort zones. We love you and pray you will all stay safe!

damato said...

hey guys!!! i just wanna first say to angela im ssooo happy you're smiling and happy again!!! Also i want to say to the 2nd week team you guys will do great!!! i know that because god gave each and every one of you a specail gift. And that gift will come into play somewhere in the trip. so just keep your heads high and your energy up. and god will use you for great things in his own way.

phillipians 2;14-15:

do everything without complaing or arguing so that you may become blameless and pure children of god without fault in a crooked and depraved generation in wich you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life.

love you guys!!! ~*Danielle*~

loriangel said...


I am so glad that you are finally in Jamaica!!!!and that everyone arrived safely. I know that God has a lot of great surprises and blessings for all. You are all marking the path for His return. Revelations 21:26 The glory and honor of the nations will be brought into it. The opposition that you faced seem big because the Victory that awaits is greater and the blessings overwhelming. Be on the look out because prayers will be answer and ministries exposed, God will fulfill His purpose upon all!


Mom,Dad & Joseph

Joanne said...

Hey Jess, I see you arrived safely. Just letting you know, you and the team are in our thoughts and prayers. Continue seeking the Lord for wisdom and guidance. "Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice." See you soon. --Loveya, Mom

damato said...

Hi to all,

Finally home! Felt great to be back home until got chance to look at website. Now just miss being there with you. I just sit here and cry looking at what has been accomplished and how God used us and will use all of you to do even more! What a great God we serve!!

To all that stayed xtra week, may God strengthen you to continue on.

To my cooking bud renee, miss you alreadyand all the laughs! Keep learning those jamaican recipes (except for jerk chix & juicy patties- LOL) If you see Carlton tell him I miss him too!

You guys will be amazing and endure great things to glorify God and bless all the people you come in contact with! Don't let anything hold you back from all that God has planned for you to do and having the best experience ever!

Sorry was so long...
P.S. i will be having a fruit cup & combo wrap in honor of P.E. and Ivelisse! Ha ha
Love ya!

Kim&Ken said...

okay, I would just like to say I don't know how I'm going to survive college. Britt they do have courses you can take at home online!!! Isn't technology a wonderful thing???
Missing you!!!

Kim&Ken said...

Hey Brittany, This is your lil sis...
Hope you are doing great! Everyone keeps asking where you are and i say oh my sis is in Jamica serving JESUS! Britt i just want to let you know how proud iam to call you my big yet lil sister! I am praying for you and everyone else! Ok well i love you and see you soon!!! <3 boogs!

mel said...

Hi there! It's so great to see allll your faces. I loved the one of Court and Essie "reuniting" and Brandy... I smiled REAL big when I saw you too since I didn't know you were going. Now, on a bitter note: Um, Sheena... I don't see me anywhere. What's that about? Didn't you have time on the plane ride to recreate me as we discussed, or was I just wasting my breathe? I tell you... Sometimes it's like, in one ear and out the other. HA! Oh, I love you guys. (all of you, and I even feel bad that I'm not mentioning you all by name. some of you don't care because you don't even know who I am, but still... it's nice to hear your name isn't it? OH WAIT! I have an idea... if I say some common names, then I'm bound to say some of yours: Hey there billy, Todd, Romone, Tyrone, Jackie, Linnie, Minnie, Bettey, Mark, Judy, Johm (there is always a John), Peter (I know there's a peter), Paul, David, Saul (do people call their kids Saul anymore??), Lenord, Eran (HI PE), Courtney (HI PC), Andrea (HEHE), Angela, etc... etc... did I miss anyone? The etc should have covered it. (Do you like my "randomness?" Sheena, please feel free to explain it to them. WOW, this is the longest, most pointless comment ever, but I hope it made you smile. GREAT job again!