Monday, June 23, 2008

Week 2 Video Recap


mel said...

awww, oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. Can you stuff some of those kids in your suitcases and bring them back with you? Mike and I would like to have them... we've still got room at our house. We especially want that little boy who can dance... he can teach Maddi... she needs help. Lot's of help. Totally random here... Angela, I love you. I say random because it's something I never say to you but I'm saying it to you now because I'm an American and I know my rights... (Doesn't this sound like the part of a movie where all the girls go, "AWWW" execept not this time b/c it would be wierd)

Betsy said...

I am moved to tears as I viewed week 2's recap video. You are all blessed in the Lord,and will come back richer in his love.Doing his work has brought you closer to him.Alyse,we have never been prouder, you have been and will always be our blessing. WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!