Friday, June 13, 2008

Tonight's Church Service

Our kids did some amazing ministry at Exchange Gospel Church tonight.  Pastor Courtney opened the night with a greeting and introduced our students who sang, “I Know Who I Am” followed by a short testimony from Joey Gonyea.  Joey introduced our Human Video, “Everything” followed by a testimony from Keely.  Essie wrapped up our portion of the service with “My Redeemer Lives”.  She brought the house down as did the Human Video team.  


Holly said...

So proud of all you guys and what you are doing in tropical Jamaica!!Lamont, you look really good as Jesus-may make you wear that robe at home! Praying you all are Jesus to the people there, and to each other. Love, mom/Holly

Momma said...

Dear Youth Team:

I am so proud of all of you. You are doing a great job working hard, teaching and sharing the love of Jesus. Continue to use your talents for the Lord. We are here back home missing you all and lifting you up in prayer.

Ms. Krystal