Sunday, June 15, 2008

Jamaica Mission Video - Friday Recap


dannyb'sgirl said...

Another amazing video! Very feels like I am right there with you. The expressions on the children's faces are priceless!

Thank you Pastor Eran and Pastor Courtney for keeping us updated. Pastor Phil, thanks for giving my husband the means to call home. The sound of his voice made my day! Daniel, I love you!

God bless you all!

Kelly said...

What a touching video!! Seeing our 'kids' in action, and the faces of those children is so touching! Tears of joy for the blessings GOD is pouring out on you, and those you are reaching out to!
Lamont and Marquis, WOW! You amaze me!!
The construction crew looks incredible! GOD bless you for the work you are doing! You are truly making a difference!!
PE and PC, you are the best, for sharing this time with us!!
love you and praying for you. .
'momma' Kelly

adascalescu said...

Peter, you brought Jamaica and Cold Play together. Amazing. Thanks for doing your best to capture footage, create videos, and construct (you too, E and Joey!)and be covered in media cords and construction dust and cement. So proud of you!

My heart errupted with joy at the what God is doing with your team! I seriously am standing up and applauding. I pray God continues to show each of you His greatness and your giftings. I pray He continues to lift you up out of your ordinary and removes your limits as He shows you extraordinary.
I am so thankful for each of the youth and the way they are directly and indirectly loving those kids in Jamaica. But I must confess, Lamont, you where captivating in that video! When I saw you with all those kids I was tearfully cheering "Go, Lamont. You go, Lamont." I knew God would use you with those kids. But my word, I couldn't visualize how wonderful and beautiful that would be. My sister and I replayed the part of you running away from the kids with the bucket at least 20x.
So my prayer for today for each of you as you do your last day of ministry is that... God would engrave in your heart the desire for more.
That this week each time you knelt and stooped to play with a child, each motion that you did as you sang, each puppet you made dance, each game that you played, each story that you told, each snack that you made,you MADE VISIBLE OUR INVISIBLE God to those children. Your actions show they're not too small. They're not unimportant. They're not too poor. They're not alone. They will remember you. They will remember how loving and fun you were.
You breathed life into those teachers. You've brought more joy to the kids in Parrytown than any circus or 1 man show ever could!
And now you will know why this verse is so true, "For God so LOVED the world that He GAVE..." and we remember. And you loved GOD (and those kids) so much that YOU GAVE.

So extremely stinkin' proud to know you all,

Pastor Joy said...

Wow guys! I am so blessed by all the amazing pix and stories. I'm especially proud of all my 10th grade girls! Where my girlz at?
Though your week is up, make the best of every last moment. Don't come home looking back on any "coulda shoulda" times....take advantage of ALL the moments that become available to you. Keep rocking out for Jesus and do all things with excellence.
Lee Lee, Marlee, Danielle, all look so beautiful! I love you guys and miss you so much!

Pam S. said...

SO blessed by seeing the students pour into the lives of the children, a little like heaven, I think!! my prayer is that you keep your passion, bring it home, and choose to continue to bless children here as well- it doesn't have to stop when the trip ends.
I have been SO touched by the compassion displayed- you guys are so much more amazing than words can say!!!!
love to and prayers to all,
Pam S.

jennk said...

looks like you guys are doing a bang up job down there!
the pixx and the video footage look great too.

Kim&Ken said...

You guys are doing an amazing job.
We are all so proud of you back here. May God bless you all for your willingness to be ambassadors for Christ to the Jamaican people.

Kim Shrom

Ben O said...

Peter great song man! hey some bad news. The coldplay concert scheduled for this month is cancelled. Your supposed to go to ticket master and see ifs it redeemable:( Hey guys im sooo proud of yall. God has really used you all this past week. See you soon.

Ben O

Anonymous said...

Hey guys

Video looks great- it appears you have had an awesome week of ministry. We are praying daily for you and in all of the services. Extra strength and love for week 2!!

We are grateful for all of you1