Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Ministry Recap- Saturday and Sunday

K, friends, my computer is in great demand, and it's nearly midnight, so I'll need to summarize for you :)


The girls spent the morning at the Windsor Girls' Home learning dances, teaching dances, drawing pictures, etc - so much fun! After seeing them at the girls' home last week, and a couple of church services, they seemed to feel really comfortable with us, so there were no really awkward moments. We also donated about 6 suitcases full of clothing, as well as some craft supplies. Those girls are absolutely phenomenal! While the girls were dancing and drawing, the guys were hard at work mixing concrete, finishing fencing, and more. Pastor Eran, Pastor Kevin, and Joey actually hosted a youth ministry workshop for 10 local youth pastors.

In the evening, we held an outreach at the "clock tower," where we shared our 2 dances, 2 dramas, 4 testimonies, and a closing message. I loved how we incorporated so many different students - several who were sharing their story for the first time. But my absolute favorite thing was watching the students pray for the people in the town square - not token prayers, but heartfelt, mountain-moving prayers. They were so intentional, embracing every opportunity and leveraging every conversation! Arvind (the Teen Challenge staff member in charge of the outreach), thought the human video was so powerful that he asked us to do it again after the service and have a second altar call. Again, an overwhelming response which our kids embraced. 


Pastor Eran, Vickie, and Sheena were up early to do the webcast, which hopefully you were able to see and enjoy! We spent the morning at First Assembly of God, which is literally located in Teen Challenge's backyard! The service was great, but at 3 hours, it made us all appreciate our church services back home :) It was really awesome to see the way other cultures worship, and I think we all really enjoyed the experience. They also allowed us to minister with our testimonies, a solo by Alyse, a vocal ensemble, and dramas, and were so welcoming. I was really excited to see a van of girls from Windsor there!

In the afternoon, we prepped the meal for the homeless and did some more painting. The guys spent the late afternoon giving out food to the homeless and the girls visited the infirmary. It was such a powerful experience for both groups, and it really put some things in perspective for us.

Another great day (with a sweet ending - snow cones made by some of the TC guys)!


janine said...

well, your last full day in Jamaica is here! can you believe it? hope it is jam packed with incredible fun and laughter and surprises and memories and reflection!

Delight in all that He pours into each hour!

ps. thanks again Pastor Eran and Courtney! can't express how thankful we are for you! blessings!

Pam S. said...

I'm overwhelmed with two thoughts as I have been keeping tabs of your ministry going on there in Jamaica:
1- the thought of the impact God is having through all of you is amazing enough by itself, but even so much more amazing realizing that you have allowed Him to impact your own lives in the process-
that's SO intense!!
2- seeing the different ministries and churches coming together for this missions trip- bringing all your gifts and talents, pouring the love of God in everything you have done- proves such a strong unity among God's people...
it gives me chills thinking about it- HOW AWESOME!! You have truly brought to life the scripture in Ephesians 4:11-13-
"He is the one who gave these gifts to the church: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers, (and cooks, construction workers, dancers, and singers!). Their responsibility is to equip God's people (the Jamaicans!) to do His work and to build up the church, the body of Christ (that's all of us!), until we come to such a UNITY in our faith and knowledge of God's Son that we will be mature and full grown in the Lord, measuring up to the full stature of Christ."

I have never been more thrilled to be a part of the church body!! You are ALL heroes!!
love and continued prayers,
Pam S.

JHolt07 said...

Hope you're soaking up that Jamaican sun on this your last day! Take a deep breath! Praise God for all He's allowed you to do.

And now my SHOUT OUT to all of you who stayed for 2 weeks... I won't list your names...you'll know who you are from your
achy backs,
sore feet,
all over bodily exhaustion!
PLUS, you'll know you stayed 2 weeks because your hearts were able to stretch 2 times as BIG! You gave more than you knew you had, served harder than you knew you could, and loved more than you knew was possible! (I think I got that from Winnie the Pooh...tee hee) [that's my shout out to RT...the poet]

LOVE YOU ALL! See you soon!