Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Such a busy day! The guys started off the morning by scoping out the projects at Teen Challenge, taking notes and getting measurements. Renee and I got an education on Jamaican cooking from the delightful Miss Mavis! Just before lunch, we went to the basic school to check out a new project. We caused quite a commotion - as soon as we pulled in the parking lot, children were clapping and screaming.  By the time we stepped out of the car, we each had about 20 kids crowding around us, playing with our hair, reaching for a hug, or asking to have their shoes tied :) I figured that after a few minutes, they would realize we had no games, music, puppets, or food for them and they would go back to their playing. I thought wrong. For the entire time we were there (nearly an hour), they stayed close by our side, telling stories and showing off. They are so precious! 

I was so excited to see Antonique and Vanessa, and some of the others I remembered. I was disappointed when I didn't see Alex. Alex is 3-years-0ld, and he's totally mischievous and rebellious, and yet so loveable! After I was there for about 20 minutes, I saw him pushing through the crowd of kids, and then he jumped into my arms. I was ecstatic! If you've been on a missions trip before, I'm sure you've had this experience - you leave with an image of someone forever burned in your memory and engraved in your heart. In Africa, it was a little girl named Joleni. In Jamaica, it was Alex. We all loved Alex! I can't wait for our students who are coming on this trip to find their "Alex," that one person whose face they will never forget. 

Austin had a great time horseback riding in the ocean (I hear his sister will be jealous :)

The guys are doing a remarkable job driving. Everything is different here because you drive on the other side of the road. Street signs are not very well marked (especially one way streets!), and the Jamaican drivers are absolutely reckless! On a regular 2-lane street, they will pass someone and come within a couple feet of hitting oncoming traffic!  Also, just a few weeks ago there was some sort of flooding or mudslide that completely tore up the roads, which makes driving even more interesting. Randy and Duane are starting to drive like they were born in Jamaica - I was afraid for my life in the beginning, but they've showed such great maneuvering that I now have total confidence =D

As we were walking through the market today, we met a man named Michael and his little girl. She was sick and he needed Pedialyte, so he offered to help us in exchange for some medicine. When we asked to pray with him, he gave a long list of prayer needs and even interrupted our prayer to make sure we included his son. It was a cool moment, and I hope to see him in church with us on Sunday! We're going to have so many more encounters like that this week, and I can't wait!

K, I have to meet with the team to figure out tomorrow's agenda. We can't wait for the rest of our family to get here. Tomorrow won't come quickly enough!

Love you guys! Thanks for following along and being a part of our journey-

Pastor Courtney and the early crew

1 comment:

Juanita said...

I am blessed just reading what you have written so far, Courtney. Thank you for your amazing descriptions. I can feel the emotion and excitement. Can't wait to see pictures. I am praying for all of you. I love the listing of names. It helps to go down the list and pray specifically for each person.