Thursday, June 19, 2008

Basic School Revisited

We had the opportunity to go back to the Perrytown Basic School one more time.  Here’s a couple shots of the Week 2 team meeting our beloved children of Perrytown.  


Real Life Youth said...

I am so glad team 2 had the opportunity to visit the Basic all look so happy.

Brandy you look so beautiful with those kids.

Love you all, Justine

loriangel said...


I see that some dreams are coming true. Seeing you with that child just confirm one of your ministries! Truly amazing...

Love, mom

keely said...

Oh I am so glad to see those smiling faces...i miss them so much!
If anyone sees my ryan, can you give him a HUGE huge and kiss for me??!! you see how amazing those kids are and how much love and innocence they have in their hearts...just love them and pray for them with all you have!!
Well, I will continue to pray for you all every day and miss you..walk in the spirit with his everlasting strength!


Believe thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dewlls in me, he does the works.
John 14:10

P.S. Court!...if you see jayvon or paul...can you just give them a hug for me?!...

damato said...

aaaawwwww... you guys went back to the basic school??? oooohhhhh... i miss them sssssoooooo much!!! If you're going back again plz tell beyonce danielle said hi!?!? plz!?!?! i just loved them!!! tell all of them i said hi but plz give beyonce a special one?!?!?! ok well i love you guys too!!! so cya!!! ~*Danielle*~

P.S.= most of the comments left under damato are from me... i just kept forgeting to put my name.. say that only because my mom usies mine... ok cya!!!