Thursday, June 19, 2008

Ministry Recap - Sunday

First of all, happy Father's Day to our dads back home! We miss you all!

Our team was invited to minister in the services at Church on the Rock in honor of the fathers (which really made us think of our dads :) The girls performed step and "Shackles" and did a great job! After a couple services, we returned to the center. Renee and Stacey worked with the girls to prepare a meal for the homeless, and our guys took it out on the streets of Ocho Rios to feed people and share the gospel with them. Minott, Jason, and Page (from Teen Challenge) served as our guides, taking us to the places where the homeless congregate. I think our men were all incredibly moved, but seeing the people under the bridge probably made the greatest impact. There is a notorious bridge in Ocho Rios where homeless drug addicts live. Teen Challenge has actually rescued many man from under the bridge and brought them into the program. Our guys brought them food, talked and prayed with them, and listened to one woman share a song she wrote. It was a powerful and tearful experience. 

Back home, it was the girls' turn to do manual labor, as they cleaned the bathrooms, painted the playground and a shack, and washed laundry by hand. One thing I love about this trip is the variety of ministry and service opportunities for everyone, and we all had a different experience today than the rest of the week so far! One more day left, and it's jam-packed - we're praying for energy to finish strong!

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