Thursday, June 19, 2008

Ministry Recap - Saturday

On Saturday, we changed things up a bit and divided guys and girls. Guys stayed back to complete some major construction projects, and girls went the the St. Ann's Bay Infirmary and Windsor Girls' Home. I know the guys worked SO hard and accomplished SO much, which is evident from the photos. These guys just aren't willing to quit until the job is done! The adult construction workers raved about the incredible work ethic our guy students demonstrated. 
I spent the day with the girls, of course, so let me tell you about our unforgettable day filled with God-moments! We started off at the St. Ann's Bay Infirmary. We weren't too sure what to expect there, and we were much more excited about the girls' home. However, God had something else in store for us there - "so much more." The infirmary looked like a run-down military hospital from the 1950's. In each bed laid an old man or women, blind or crippled or demented, who had been abandoned by family and left there in the care of the government until death. According to the caretaker, the only visits they typically receive are from the occasional missionary group. The girls went from bed-to-bed, talking and praying and singing with each person - simply showing rare attention and heartfelt compassion. 
I specifically remember the girls gathering around a man named Eric who was paralyzed from the waist down. He prayed the most beautiful prayer for us, and then we tearfully TRIED to sing through Amazing Grace. Much of his memory has been lost, but as we kept singing, he would remember certain parts and try to sing along. It was beautiful and heartbreaking and inspiring as a man who had lost everything - family and friends, movement and health, material possessions and privacy - sang praise to God.
We were also inspired by a man named Roland. Roland lost both of his legs, but insists on expressing his creativity and providing for himself by making jewelry. The girls all bought matching necklaces from him to support his efforts and remind us of our God-moment.
From there, we went to the Windsor Girls' Home, a home for girls who have been abandoned or abused and turned over to the government. Despite the fact that these girls have been through alot and have a hard time trusting people, they really received our girls well. We taught them our "Shackles" dance, which they LOVED and learned quickly. To our surprise, they eagerly taught us a Jamaican dance which we also loved :) We'll have to get a video of that on the blog at some point! When it came time to return to Teen Challenge for dinner, no one wanted to leave! After seeing the need of the girls, we decided to collect clothing to donate. We've already sent word home for our WEEK 2 team to collect donations. 
We got back to the center before the guys, because they were hard at work finishing off the basic school fence. It's SO amazing how quickly they finished the fence! School obviously was not in session, but as they guys worked in the school yard, neighborhood boys started gathering, eager to assist. Frank gathered the dozen boys that were there, ranging in age from about 6-12 years old, and put them to work! It would have been so much easier to do the work himself, but he let the kids stir concrete and work on the fence. When they finished, he sat them down, gave them each a piece of gum, and shared the gospel with them!
We returned for dinner, and then announced a special surprise... "Put on your swimming suits for our super-secret-sizzling-Saturday-surprise!" From there we headed to Crane Ridge (the resort where our construction crew is staying) for a night at the pool, complete with volleyball and pizza (which was an extra little surprise from the construction team to the students). Such a cool way to relax after a long day and spend time with students and construction team together! When the construction crew surprised us with the pizza, the kids attacked them with enthusiastic hugs :) During our meal, each member of the construction team took turns offering a word of encouragement for our team... The perfect ending to an amazing day!

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