Wednesday, June 11, 2008

And so the adventure begins...

The team arrived at the airport on time. This year, only a few people were held up at customs and questioned, but everything got through!

In classic missions trip style, our bus broke down, and we had to wait for a couple hours. No problem - we played a game of signs and then enjoyed jerk chicken and festival bread as we waited!

We just got to Teen Challenge after a 2 hour drive from the airport, and we went through our orientation with Brother T. As we speak, everyone is carrying nearly 100 bags up to the third floor. I'm feeling like a slacker so I have to go! I will keep you posted!


Pastor Courtney


Alisha said...

Hello Everyone. I am glad you all arrived & are well. Hope you all have a great time. Please let my mom know that I miss her & don't like not being able to call her! lol...

I look forward to hearing about your Jamaica adventures! :-)

dannyb'sgirl said...

Hello to all, especially Dan! I am glad to hear that you all made it safely. Praise God! I'm sure there will be great stories as the week unfolds. I can't wait to read all about it. You are all in my prayers. Stay safe and get a good night's rest. Til tomorrow...

Sami said...

im so so so happy that eveythings ok!!!
its kind of sad how worried i was...seriously haha


oh and tell bri 2 get silly haha =D


Alyse said...

Hey guys! I'm so glad to hear you got there safely! You all were definitely missed at Youth Group tonight, but we're all happy to know that you were all called to this trip and have this opportunity! We were wearing our team shirts tonight as well to represent our large and wonderful team family! I'll be praying for you that you get all settled in and adjusted to the heat so you can get rested up for your first full day tomorrow! I can't wait to hear about it! I miss you and love you all!!! :)


Ivypinkangel said...

hey guys!!!!
Im happy that U guys made it safe!!
I cant wait to see till you guys come back!!!! no seriously come back I want to goooo lol!!!! jk

Miss you all!!!!!
love ya!!!

take lots of pics!!!!!