Friday, June 20, 2008

Ministry Recap - Thursday

Today was our first day of ministry with this team, and they were pumped and eager to get out there! Week 2 was thrown a curve ball right away, because we found out that the basic school we were supposed to work at every day was never notified that we were coming! I was up late on Wednesday night making phone calls to some of our connections in Jamaica. Lovely Ms. Winters said that if our new basic school didn't work out, we would be welcome back at Parrytown! We also realized we didn't have transportation available to take everyone to the new basic school (Bonham Springs), and it was too far away to shuttle kids like we did this past week. In the end, it worked out for us to go to both schools, so we split the team, and Miss Vickie got to have one more day as a teacher at Parrytown (she was beaming)! 

Andrea led the second team over to Bonham Springs, where there were about 35 beautiful children. The kids there were a bit more reserved, but by the end of the day, they had warmed up to our team (of course!).

Renee and Vickie had a special cultural snack for us at lunch - sugar cane! You just chew on the sugar cane and suck out the juice - so good!

After lunch, we spent the afternoon working on the skits, dances, and dramas in preparation for the evening service at Exchange Gospel Church. We also took a break for showers at the falls! It doesn't get better than that - so beautiful and refreshing!

Following our waterfall experience, we went to the Exchange Gospel Church for their midweek service.... They don't have fancy instruments, and aren't too concerned about singing in the same key, but these people know how to celebrate God in worship! We didn't know the songs, but we all made a conscious effort to fake it - it was just cool to be a part of it! We had the opportunity to minister in the service with Shackles, sin chair, a solo by Alyse, and a testimony from Sarah. Their practicing this afternoon paid off - they made us so proud :)

Our first night of hero awards went well! Since I couldn't be at all the different ministry sites to see all of the kids, I loved being able to hear the amazing things they did to serve one another and the people of Jamaica! 

We're off to a great start!

Love you guys,

Pastor Courtney and the week 2 crew

(I miss you, week 1 crew!)


amanda said...

wow sounds like week two is off to an awesome start! im praying for everybody over there! Id also like to say i am with rachel we need to see our andrea alive and well. Give Andrea Face Time! (GAFT)


P.S. I love you andrea and cant wait to hear all about it!

Justine said...

Hello Crew 2, I miss being there with my girl...hope you are doing good. Hope Pastor Eran and Courtney are stretching you to what I know you can do.

So glad nothing has changed as far as the bumps in the road with wouldn't be a missions trip without it's daily changes in the's called go with the flow and just smile.

Love you all and miss you much see you all soon...keep up the good work and be blessed.

Love and Prayers,
your Jamaica Mom

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of u guys!!!
ugh makes me so so so happy!!!
I love u guys so so much and know that we are prayin 4 u guys.
You are always on my mind.
Just continue to pursue God in everthing that you do.
cause God see and knows

2 verses to encourage u guys:

-"His strength is made perfect in our time of weakness"

"God, i look to you for help"

miss u so so much!!!

keely said...

Waguan week 2!!

i hope all is well over there...i cannot explain in words how much i wish i was back on that gorgeous island with you...let me just first say how much i am proud of you alyse lewis!!! for singing a solo i can already tell god is strechin you out...but judging by the sound of the blogs court put up everything seems to be going well...i pray you all are giving all you have to fulfill the purpose of you being down spread the word and reach out with arms full of god's love...please don't be content with doing something well...make it blessed and extraordinary...i pray for anointing and strength physically and spiritually for all of you servants of the lord...well i love the blog and i will continue to check it with anxiety to see what god is doing with the ministry and in your hearts...i love all of you!!!...E and Court...i'm prayin that god keeps you strong and durable like bounty paper towels haha...angela and joey...i hope you guys are staying well also in every aspect and i miss you...katie & sheena!!...i miss your big hugs...but just make sure you hug those children just as tight as you did to me when we met you guys at the airport wednesday...and even would never imagine how much a big hug and a reminder of how much god loves them means to them!!!...they hold a special place in my heart...okay so i think this is long enough...i love you all again!!! and i wish you well

p.s. tell jason and minott keelio said hi!

damato said...

I miss you too!!! I wanna be there ssssssooooooo badly!!! luv you!!!