Thursday, June 19, 2008

Travel Day Recap - Wednesday

The kids woke up bright and early to pack up this morning so we could have some time at the basic school to say goodbye and give gifts. We were packed up and cleaned up with plenty of time to spare. When we arrived at the basic school, we gave out a necklace to each student (made by one of our amazing students back home - Juan Munoz), and gifts for the teachers and the entire class. They were so blessed, and WE were blessed to have one more precious hour with them. No one wanted to leave, and there were many photos and tearful goodbyes. We would have stayed all day, but it was time to leave to meet the second team. We left a few surprises to our beloved week 2 team, and then hit the road. We were all tired and sad to be leaving, but VERY excited to be seeing the friends we had grown so close to in the last few months!

When we saw our week 2 team in there matching shirts waiting at the airport, we were so happy and couldn't wait to get out of the vans to hug them and share brief stories! It's cool to think that we're all in this together, and week 2 is carrying on what week 1 started, and week 1 was just carrying on what God was already doing here in Jamaica! 

We stopped for an authentic Jamaican lunch at Scotchie's (we LOVE Scotchie's), with jerk chicken, festival (fried bread), tamarind balls (Jamaican candy), plantain chips, and fruit juice. It was obvious just from our time together at lunch that we have a super fun team with a servant's heart.

By the time we arrived at Teen Challenge, we met for orientation, unpacked and settled in, had showers and family time, and went to bed! By the way, the team loved the decorations and notes from week 1! Thank you!


janine said...

Thank you so much for ALL of your posts.....did I forget to say.... Thank you so much for ALL your posts?
I know it takes time and efforts that are probably already expended..but I just wanted to say...thank you so much for all your posts! (tee hee) Praying you have an amazing week in all that God has for each of you!!

you are loved,

ps. miss you Joey! Give God all you have!! He makes all things beautiful in His time!

fernandez said...

Praise God for all that He is doing in Jamaica, Mon!! I have laughed and cried with all of Week 1s experiences...Week 2 has a tough act to follow but with all the prayers, you will do BIG things for our BIG God!!
Lovingly, F-Troop (minus Elly)

PS...Belle, you are playing with kids...give lots of hugs in the name of Jesus.x00x0x0x0x0x glad to see the Spain fan still works!!0x0x

Juanita said...


I love seeing everyone stretch and stretch. I love seeing God move and move. Using you in ways you never even thought were feasible.

I'm blessed to know you. They are blessed to know you.

Yet....You will be more blessed by knowing them!!!

Juanita said...

PE and Court.....THANK YOU.

May God bring you strength, peace, and wisdom beyond what you can comprehend.

I love watching you lead those are amazing!!!

How beautiful are the feet of them..who bring good news...