Monday, June 23, 2008

Homeless Ministry


Christine "AKA" MOM said...

Pastor Erin and Pastor Courtney your both so awesome. Thanks for having a heart for missions and a heart for our kids. you are pouring into their lives and this experience will be in their mind and hearts forever. To all the leaders and cooks thank you for taking such good care of our kids.Reading the blogs makes you feel like we are with you.Safe trip home Luv Mom Dawkins

JHolt07 said...

No Way! What's up with the slick tan dude in the bandana? He's hot! Love you babe. Miss you; can't wait to see you.

RL kids and leaders~I'm so proud of each one of you! You guys are my favorites! I knew you'd SHINE!

Kevin & Niki~ your students seem like they're some really top notch kids. (wonder where they get it? eehhem, wink wink... Be proud!) Since a picture's worth a thousand words I just know they've poured their hearts into every thing they've done.

Now soak up every moment you have left cause before you know it you'll be home...(and able to get ICE any time you want it...and how fun will that be...? it'll be sad if you really think about it)! See? I feel you!

love and prayers~

Pastor Eric said...

Way to go guys you all get HERO awards all around!!It is so awesome to see all those pictures,you can just see the love of Christ in all your faces as you continue to bless the people of Jamacia. Don't stop ti'll you pour out everything you got!!So many awesome testimonies from those who came back and I can't wait to hear all of yours.There will be something very special for each and everyone of you at the end of this mission so listen real careful to the voice of God and be amazed at what he has for you. Love you all PRESS ON :)