Monday, June 23, 2008

Bonham Springs Basic School

1 comment:

Rachel T said...

To Andrea,

First: Loved the picture with the line of students--you were mother goose with your gaggle of ducklings

Andrea, I am not gonna lie I have been struggling for some time about what to pray for you while you were away. I even consulted your husband. Don't get me wrong I love you and the work that happened and really God knows that I want everyone to come home safe. I want the events to run smooth and for effectiveness and for God's perfect love to translate clearly in everything that you had a hand in. And I do hope God gave you strength and taught you something new. But honestly I had a hard time praying for you and the team because you are not going there for God to something in you, but for God to use you. So I prayed for the people you were working with, the precious Jamaicans. I prayed for God to do some amazing things in Jamaica. I prayed that the students never forget the team in matching shirts and the truths they learned from them. I prayed that they would go home and tell their families what they learned and experienced; that they would share their joy with others. I prayed that God would work miracles in their hearts, and a child that should be incapable to love would learn to love others as God loves Him in the midst of circumstance. I prayed that the songs and the motions would resonate and replay for years to come; that their crafts would serve as a reminder to them of their time with you and ultimately God. And the more I prayed for them I realized what I needed to pray for you (and it was two specific things).

First, may you have the courage to love EVERY child, EVERY person EVERY day the way you loved on this trip. May you love as God first loved us, irrationally and perfectly. He loved us while we were yet sinners and gave His only son so we could be reconciled to Him. I pray that you show others the beautiful simplicity of God's love. He loves us for who we are not what we've done or are going to do. Love the least of these where ever you go, and may you never get so hardened to routine that you miss a moment to share His love.

I also pray that you see the monumental role you have in being just a tiny part of God's masterpiece everyday. May you be able to see the vision that God has for Jamaica, for your small group, for your classroom, for your family [present and future], for Berks county, for humanity, and see that you are not the canvas [even though sometimes it's easy to believe we are] but a brush, a tool, a splash of paint. Paint and brushes are worthless until you put them in the hands of a master [I feel like I got that from somewhere-probably Ed Young]. May you always find comfort and encouragement in knowing where you are. Andrea, you are part of the bigger picture. You are in God's hands. You are a stroke of paint. And remember-A single stroke can make all the difference.

Please come home safe and sound and soon!!
