Friday, June 13, 2008

Basic School Ministry


adascalescu said...

Now you get why all those random motions to the kids songs are so awesome, right?! Now those crazy puppets make sense...the joy you bring to those kids is unspeakable. The hope you bring is unconquerable. We don't know what these kids face outside the walls of that school. You love them. You hold them. Your willingness to teach and play reminds everyone around that school that they are "Not forgotten" by God!

You all make the teacher in me so proud...I'm actually crying right now at the everlasting good your doing. Be blessed. Be encouraged. God thinks you're the greatest when you love the least.

-Love y'all so much it hurts.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Im about to agree with Andrea. Im probably to emotional to write anything ha. Im about to ugly cry just looking at some of the pics and stories you have up. Everyday so far i have woken up thinking about you guys and i am so proud to see you guys doing and loving what you were created to do!!! i love all of you so so so so much. I know you will be blessed and keep expecting from God. There is ALWAYS MORE!!!


Unknown said...

wow!! Thats all I can say haha.. So I agree with everything Andrea and Moe said.. I am tearing up over here too.. no ugly cry yet haha. but I am sure it will hit me sometime this week :] I am so proud of all of you!! You guys are amazing and I know that you are reaching the kids in ways that you didn't even think possible. You really don't even know how much each of you are making an impact on these kids lives. Cherish them they are so precious and each one of them see Jesus through you guys. I wish I was with you all. Say hi to the kids for me :] I love you all so very very much and I am praying continuously that God will use you all in ways that you never thought imaginable..

-Andrew I am so proud of you and what you are doing. I am praying that God will give you a heart for these people.. I love you! ~your sis~

love you guys
~Bethany Wiles~

Anonymous said...

Greg and I are so proud of the young woman you have become. Hold onto your faith and know that the Lord is available any time any place no matter the need. We will continue in prayer for you and the whole missions team daily.
We love you much much,
Lord Bless,
Greg, Tulsa, Christian, Dakota, Pro Cheeseball golfer ; ) and Alleyah