Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thursday Snapshots


Renee said...

Lydia and Zach, you make me want to cry!! I love your pictures. Good night, I love you.


chy said...

Brandon its mom just wanted to say good night and i love you.

Jasmine said...


I just wanted to let you know that I recieved your message on facebook.I'm glad that I heard from you I just wish that I was able to hear your voice :).I'm sorry that I was not able to write to you yesturday I was busy working and attending to ariel that I never has the chance to write.I miss you so much and I have also been counting the days till you come home since the night that I dropped you off at church.I wish that I could see more pictures of the construction crew because I haven't seen any pictures of you at all.So what have you been doing so far? Hows the food? Have you made alot of new friends with the people from Jamacia?Do you know what time you will be heading back on Tuesday? Ok let me stop asking so many questions.Me and your mom has been talking everyday all hours of the day at least 4 times a day.I told her about what you wrote on facebook.We all miss you very much and can't wait until you return home.Ariel first week of the Jump start program was done today she was so happy that she made you something for fathers day at school.She misses you and loves you very much.I got to admit that she is not acting like herself since you been gone.She truely is a daddy's girl.Anyways keep up the great work be careful not to injure yourself with any of your own tools because you are known for that :) We all are keeping you and the whole team in prayer keep on winning souls for Jesus.We love you see you soon.

Love Jasmine

Betsy said...

Alyse hi honey , Boy do I miss you but from the pictures it looks like you are happy. Have a fantastic journey and help bring the people of Jamaica closer to the lord(not tooooooo much to ask huh) Ps I got a new coffee pot and your fish are doing well.

mel said...

Good morning Maddi,
You look great- happy and a bit Jamaica (don't even ask me what that means). Actually, all of you look great (sorry, I don't know most of you or I'd call you out by name). Maddi,I wish I could see you doing all that you're doing over there... I bet it's neat to watch. Also, I imagined you looking at the sunrise- it's breathtaking isn't it? Ah! I love and miss you. And P. Courtney~ I miss you too :)I've gotten so used to talking to you so much over the past few weeks with the youth center and all, that it's weird without you here. By the way, I'd tell the kids there that you said hi, but they won't let me in since I'm sick- bummer. But I'm sure there are all new kids there anyway.

Alright~ I've got to get ready for a meeting... I love you!
~ mom

Marlene Goldsborough said...

Hi Trevor!
It looks like you are having an awesome time and I love seeing you in the pictures that Courtney posts! This one of you doing the drama made me cry as I think about all that you are experiencing and I thank God that you had the chance to go on this trip. I love you with all of my heart and cannot wait to hear about everything when you get home!
p.s. Grammy said she is following the blog and she cried when she saw the picture of you holding the little children. You have so much to give, just follow God's voice as give all you got! I have been praying for you every day.

Have a good night,
Love Mom

chy said...

HEY brandon its mom just wanted to let you know your on my mind and i love you.and, miss you. jasmine said you called her,and i was glad to hear you called,GOD bless yous all down there yous are doing a GOOD job for JESUS....

Mike said...

Good Morning Maddi (Madigail). Getting ready to go into a class, but wanted to make sure I got a note into you. Looks like everyone there is doing great. I hope you're keeping yourself hydrated and haven't felt sick or tired. I love and miss you so much. Not used to not hearing from you for so long. Have a GREAT day and give yourself a tight hug from me (the one that loves you most).


mel said...

P.S. Maddi, I do hope you've explained to everyone the joke that goes on between us about who loves you more (me. hehe) or who you love more (me. haha)... otherwise people are going to think this is some twisted game and we're going to scar you for life :)

Bob Shilling said...

I love you and I am very proud of you. The pictures are awesome. Keep up the great work and I will continue to pray for you and the whole team. Give hugs and kisses to my other "daughters" and Court.

Love ya, Dad

rebekahfrandsen said...

Everyone looks like there having a great time:)
Cant wait to see everyone:)

Love you guys

Pastor Joy said...

I love htes pix. I am so excited ot see all the amazing things gogin on. When I look at all my girls (Ieasha, Marlee, Maddi, Becca) I ca't beleive how you have been allowing God ot use you in so many new and amazing ways! I feel like a proud mama! You make me so proud! I can't wait to hear about all your stories when you get home! look like you're having a blast! How's the praying with people going? The pictures make you look like a natural! Way to go talking to God like that!

Well, have a blessed time. Honey, I miss you and am believing God is doign amazing things with you too, even if I don't see any picture documentation. I love you and will see you soon!

Love ya all!

IAN Donohue said...

Another list of things u guys might like

Last night I played a blank tape at full blast. The mime next door went nuts.

If a cow laughed, would milk come out her nose?

If olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from?

After eating, do amphibians need to wait an hour before getting OUT of the water?

If you're sending someone some Styrofoam, what do you pack it in?

Do they have reserved parking for non-handicapped people at the Special Olympics?

Whose cruel idea was it for the word "lisp" to have an "s" in it?

Since light travels faster than sound, is that why some people appear bright until you hear them speak?

If it's zero degrees outside today and it's supposed to be twice as cold tomorrow, how cold is it going to be?

Why do you press harder on a remote-control when you know the battery is dead?

Since Americans throw rice at weddings, do Asians throw hamburgers?

Why are they called buildings, when they're already finished? Shouldn't they be called builts?

Natalie Hagen :) said...

Hey everyone! hope things are well! You all look like ur having fun with the skits!

Natalie Hagen :) said...

Some kids are blessed with stories before bed, however you all are blessed with jokes by ian! hahaha
Here's an oldie:
A piece of string walks into a bar. The owner says "hey no strings allowed!" so the string left and put on a fake mustache. he re-enters and once again the owner says "Hey! no strings allowed!" so he leaves. Before entering a third time, the piece of string ties himself into a knot and messes up his ends. When he walks in, the owner says "Hey are u a string?" He replies: "I'm afraid not" (a frayed knot)

Get it????? hahaha ok see ya soon!

Marlene Goldsborough said...

Today, I was thinking about all of you who are working hard to build the church down there this week. And even though we haven't seen pictures yet of some of you, we know that great things are happening as you are pouring yourselves out for the Lord each day! We are all praying for you and anxious to see the final result!

So let me just say "Thank you" to Brandon, CJ, Peter, Joey, D-Lo Sr., Chris, Dave B, Jeff and family, and all of the others who are tirelessly working and sweating hard to make a special place for these people to come together and worship our God. What an awesome thing you are doing!

Be safe, stay hydrated and know that you have family and friends back here is Pennsylvania who are missing you and praying for you guys as well!!!

God bless you,

Debbie said...

Oh Peter! You & Courtney make me smile & cry at the same time. This week is a picture of the plans God has for you as you serve Him together. Love you both.


P.S. Courtney, thanks for taking that picture for me

Jess K said...

Looks like everything is going good! =)I hope that everthing is going well wit building the church 2! I can't wait till everyone gets back!!!

Jess =)

P.S Maddi did you c any frogs??? ha jk!

Mark said...

Dad left a comment this morning but when we just came back on couldn't find it. The pictures were awesome from Thursday. We are praying for the whole team and just want Courtney to know that she is doing one great job. Praying for strength, the Lord's strength to replace the team's human strength. We know that the heat can drain our strength. Wait on the Lord and He will renew you all and refresh you all. You are doing kingdom work, eternal work and it is so precious to the Lord to see you reach out and care for the least of these for you are doing it as to Him. How wonderful! We can't believe how fast the time seems to be going and we pray that you are all doing well in every way. You are ALL constantly in our prayers and we know that God's great grace and anointing is on each and every one of you.
Jess, we will be at Tina's from about 4 for Father's Day or at the Retreat til around 2 ish.......
We love you so much and MISS YOU so much and are so excited and looking forward to all that you will have to share with us when you get home!!!!! The whole family is praying!!!!!!!!!!!!
All our love Mom and Dad

Sarah Sotomayor Pedraza said...

Good Evening Gaby

I can tell your hot cause your hair is up. :o) Listen when you get back you need to teach your father and sister how to play UNO because they don't know what they are doing.
Love, Sarah

Your dad says to look at the camera please so he can see your face

Krys says it looks like your doing a great job.

BriBri says have a great trip and that she loves you and she made another play doh ice cream for you.

Kevin misses you

Mugsey sends his licks


Sarah, Dad, Krystal, Kevin, BriBri, and Mugsey

Marianne said...

Hi Missy,It's mom again:)Was thinking about u and the great works of the Lord ur accomplishing on this trip. To u and all ur friends,keep up the Lord's work. This is the third message I've sent u-hope ur getting them all.It took me a few days to figure out this blogspace.Aunt Maureen and I were trying together.She beat me to it! Pleaseeeeese stay safe! Many blessings to everyone.What an awesome God!!! Love bunches,Mom

Familia Munoz said...

Hi Gabo, we are still starving here for you... Isaac had bacerns and cheese sandwich and Macho almost tore it out of his poor little fingers. Papi is painting the laundry room a nice cool blue. Reminds me of Puerto Rico. Hope all is well. We love you kid and can't wait to see you and have a giant meat fest... Love Dawn

Familia Munoz said...

P.S. Wanted to mention how proud we are of you for the great ministry you are doing there. That was awsome hearing how you were working the crowds in the name of Christ! Amen! Keep up the great work and remember shyness has no place in the works of Jesus. Love you Gabi, your family

Unknown said...

Hi hun! Been thinking and praying for you all day today. ( and everyday) Felt weird not to post a comment to you last night. Actually felt guilty! Just really tired right about now. Anyway, hope your doing well, i miss you soooooo much!!!! i just keep thinking about what you might be doing each time you cross my mind. I can't wait to see more pictures of all your doing! Hope you are doing lots of singing and dancing!

I have been keeping grandmom and pop pop up to date (you know they still have dial up) but i think she went on the site today to look :) She keeps asking each day if you are home! Haha! you know how she feels about us being in other countries, she's a worrier!! anyway they are so proud of you and cant wait to see you and hear all about your trip and have you safe, back in PA :)

Well, guess i should stop babbling, dad and Nick say hi, and we all love you!! have a good night, and we'll talk tomorrow. (one sided of course) :-)


Unknown said...

Ahhhh, Peter. Miss ya buddy!! wednesday just was not the same without ya here to harass me!! great pix! love to see ya working hard doing Gods work :) Anyway, hope all is well, i know ya miss me too! Be safe and keep Court good company, as i know you will! Miss you too Court and your smiling face!! :)

luv ya

Jasmine said...

Jusy wanted to say hi.And to let you know that I was thinking about you.Four more days to you till you come home can't wait :) cuz I miss you.I love you very much hope you have a good and blessed day today.Ariel and the family says hi and sends their love.

Love your wifey

Jasmine said...

Real life family,

Just wanted to say hi and to encourage you by saying how proud I'am of all of you.All of you are doing such a great job.I miss you all can't wait to see you all and hear all the great stories about what you sll have done in Jamacia.
Have a great and blessed day today.
talk to all of you soon.

God Bless
Love Jasmine

Unknown said...

Hi Allea (aka Alex Ash),

Baby sister!!! I'm so happy to see a photo of you on here, looking happy and working hard. I hope you're having an awesome time (I'm sure you are, and it looks like you are) Ed and I are up late studying for our exam tomorrow.

Mom is on her retreat this weekend. She called and ask me to "blog" you for her (by which I think she meant check on you and send you a message from her. I'm not all that blog savvy, but I just don't think people use that expression..."have a nice day, blog you later!") She loves you precious baby dumpling, schmoopsie schmoopsie. And she will "blog" you herself when she returns from her retreat.

I have something to share with you: there was a fly in our house, which Ed killed by shooting it very precisely with a rubber band. I know you would have liked to see that.

I'll stop typing now, but I hope you feel my love and know that I'm thinking of you (and missing you very much. Even more than I usually do when we're only 600 or so miles apart.)

Love, Sam

MachoMunoz said...

hey gabo its me macho. hope you having lots of fun and we miss you im just waiting for the meat fest we going to have lol... well just have fun and work in the name of jesus.

p.s. im hungry lol comment you later lol have fun..