Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Hello friends and family!

Rest assured that we arrived safely in Atlanta, and we're now on our flight to Kingston... as I'm typing! It's my very first time using internet on a flight - crazy wonderful technology :)

Our journey began at midnight, so many team members haven't had any sleep since Sunday night! Some are catching naps on the flight, and others are running on sheer adrenaline!

I hope to someday, some way, tell you all the stories of how God is at work on this trip in ways we never could have orchestrated - down to the smallest detail! We were the first group to arrive for check-in when it opened, and we immediately befriended the women checking us in. Since her co-workers had not yet arrived, Peter and Pastor CJ volunteered to help and run all the luggage down the conveyor belt for her. She seemed grateful... and somehow we didn't get charged for any overweight bags :) Little blessings! 

For those of you who don't know, Ian was unable to join us at the last minute because of an unfortunate mix-up with his passport. The whole team was really saddened by it, and yet God still managed to bring something good out of it. As of a few days ago, Sami found out she was unable to go on the trip as planned... until Ian gave her the ticket he couldn't use! He'll be getting some serious hero awards tonight for sure (we miss you so much Ian!!!! you need to post on the blog and make us laugh like you always do!!!!)! We called the airline to change the ticket yesterday, and they were hoping to be able to push it through in time (normally you can't change the ticket within the 48-hour window, and we were only about 15 hours away). We arrived at the airport unsure of whether Sami actually had a ticket, but believing that God would make a way. As we left for the airport, I was suddenly reminded of the song "Can't Give Up Now," by Mary Mary, that says, "Nobody told me the road would be easy, but I don't believe you've brought me this far to leave me." Good news - we didn't leave Sami in the airport :) 

We had some students who were afraid to fly, and they are all doing very well! (Renee - Lydia even looked out the window during take-off, though she clung to me with her clammy little hand the whole time ;)

We noticed that one of our bags didn't make it onto the Kingston flight, and we're keeping our fingers crossed that it's nothing that's crucial for our ministry tomorrow. Somehow Pastor CJ managed to get bumped to first class as a result of the ordeal! I'm not too jealous - I'm in good company with Pastor Melissa and Gaby on either side (though Gaby's sound asleep :).

K, that's all for now! We'll be seeing the Wiles in about an hour, and we can't wait! We'll check back in as soon as we can.

Keep us in your prayers!

Love and gratitude,

*Pastor Courtney and the Jamaica family

P.S. I must confess, I don't have a super cool iPhone, so I won't be able to update every hour, but I'll write and post photos as often as possible!


mel said...

Ah! I'm crying already and the week hasn't even started (this may embarrass her, but I don't care: I already miss my baby~Maddi). I can't wait to hear about what God does in and through you, as well as what He continues to do for you. Much love~ Melanie

Betsy said...

Alyse I miss you but I know that you are there to make a difference. Take care,I love you more than you know

Betsy said...

Joey did everything fit it the vans well? I'm just sayin

IAN Donohue said...

i figured u guys r their and hanging out so i found some jokes
What is worse than finding a maggot in your apple?
Finding half a maggot...

and hear is some stuff to think of

Why the sun lightens our hair,
but darkens our skin?

Why women can't put on mascara
with their mouth closed?

Why don't you ever see the headline
'Psychic Wins Lottery'?

Why is 'abbreviated' such a long word?

Why is it that doctors call what
they do 'practice'?

Why is lemon juice made with
artificial flavor, and dish washing
liquid made with real lemons?

Why is the man who invests all
your money called a broker?

Why is the time of day with the
slowest traffic called rush hour?

Why isn't there mouse-flavored
cat food?

Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes?

Why do they sterilize the needle
for lethal injections?

You know that indestructible black
box that is used on airplanes? Why
don't they make the whole plane out
of that stuff?!

Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?

Why are they called apartments
when they are all stuck together?

If con is the opposite of pro, is
Congress the opposite of progress?

If flying is so safe, why do they call
the airport the terminal?

Unknown said...

Hey all,
Just wanted to say hi, and tell you all i miss you! wish i was there with you! I know you guys will do great things for God and for everyone you come in contact with! Danielle, miss you soooo much! Have a great time and allow yourself to be s t r e c h t e d !!! ( spelling?) anyway Love you bunches! Dad and Nick say love you too!

P.S. Ian love the jokes!! keep em coming! Luv ya Ian!

pokedad said...

jake, i miss you already...i'm praying for you all...did i mention to be safe...love, dad

Rebekah said...

David lopez jr, I miss you rready and cant wait for you to get home so we can sit around and do nothing all day haha. have a great time and dont let anything get in your way!!

Love you.

Rebekah said...

Maddie! i hope you get everything you can out of this and cant wait to see you when you get back.

Love you<3

Jasmine said...

To my second family Iam pleased to know that you all arrived safetly down to Jamacia.I pray that god uses all of you to do his work. And for all the youth on this trip I pray for spirtual growth and a closer relationship with god.Let the power of god work through all of you in a mighty way.I love you all.See you in six days :)
And for my husband Brandon wow two days without you I got to admit that its killing me emotionally because I miss you so much.But at the same time Iam so proud of you.To see how much you have grown in your walk with god it's amazing.God is using you in a mighty way.You truely have the gift of becoming a great pastor.I love you very much can't wait to see you and hear all the great stories of gods work.Ariel misses you and told me to say hi and that she loves you.She sure can't live without you because these past two days shes been trying to achieve things that she knows that she can achieve when your around :)
All the family down here misses you.Your mom is doing ok we talk at least four times a day.Ok well I will finally stop writing my book for today love you very much.

God Bless
Love Jasmine

Jasmine said...
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Pastor Joy said...

My husband would be th eone to get bumped to first class. You go baby! lol....I love you all! Have a blessed time!