Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Amazing Stories!!!


There isn't much time - we're packing up to leave.... But I have INCREDIBLE news to tell you....

1. The construction team was unable to finish the building on Saturday because of delayed delivery of supplies. However, they were determined to have it finished for the service at 9a.m. the next day... The guys left Teen Challenge around 5a.m. to drive up to 8 Mile to have it finished just minutes before the service started.

2. On the drive to the church, someone passed me a note from the back of the van saying, "I want to give my testimony or more today - Gaby." I was so proud of her for volunteering, but even more proud of her when she told me she wanted to get baptized along with her testimony!

3. At first we were disappointed because the funeral kept many people away from the service... It was very empty in the beginning. But as the service went on, curious onlookers stopped by and stood in the doorway to see what was going on. The team did the Everything skit, which Pastor CJ then preached on and gave a salvation message... followed by a call for baptism... followed by a call for healing. At the end of the service, four accepted Christ, two were healed (one of back pain, one of depression), one was water baptized, and one baby was dedicated (at the request of a couple who just committed their lives to Christ)! It was pretty amazing...

4. BUT... we couldn't help being disappointed because the deaf child, Javon, still wasn't healed even though we prayed our hearts out and really believed he would be. That morning, I spoke with the little boy's mother (who was not saved), and she explained to me that they boy had been deaf since birth, but they only realized it when he was two years old. He could not attend a regular school, and to attend a special school, he would have to take 2 different buses everyday because it was so far away, and obviously unaffordable. For that reason, the boy did not attend school and had little chance of becoming self-sufficient.

When the service started, the mother, Miss Night, and Javon were no where to be found... To our delight, they arrived later. The mother brought the boy to the front for the healing call, and the whole team prayed with all their might... As his mother held him still he fought and hit to get away (the only way he really knows how to respond to people). Eventually Miss Night left with her son. Peter visited her at her home to encourage her and reassure her. Somehow in conversation, she expressed her desire to be saved, and so she came back to the church a few minutes later to publically accept Christ. We were thrilled she gave her life to Christ, but disappointed and confused regarding her son. We really, really thought he would be healed as a testimony to the village. Either way, we celebrated the other victories of the day.

And then I got the news. A few of the construction workers from Georgia who had been working along with us went up to the village today to finish a quick project. While they were there, they noticed that Javon's temperment had totally changed. He no longer ran away or hit. Now he was hugging and playing and being sweet. The construction team asked him a question, and he responded, "Yes!"

The deaf boy was healed!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've never experienced anything like it. It was in God's timing, which is so much better than our own. Had it occured yesterday, we may have taken credit for it. Since we waited, it really stretched our faith. The whole thing reminded me of Mark 2 which talks about the friends who lowered the paralytic through the roof. They came for physical healing for their friend, and the man received salvation FIRST. If Miss Night hadn't brought Javon for healing, she may not have accepted Christ. God did the salvation first and the healing later, just like in Mark 2! Absolutely phenomenal!!!!!

Love and gratitude,

*Pastor Courtney and our Jamaica family :)

P.S. Today we had our free day today at Dunn's River Falls, the craft market, and out on the catamaran for our ceremony. It was a great close to the trip, and we can't wait to fill you in on all the details!


Pastor Eran said...


So amazing. Can't wait to see you al back home later today or early tomorrow morning. We miss you all so, so much. I'm so, so proud of each of you and way you've allowed God to use you to impact the village of 8 mile.

I can't wait for Wednesday night at RL to hear all the stories. Bring it back home with you. If God can do it there, he can do it hear as well.


Renee said...

What an amazing story!!! I don't know the title of the song but the lyrics come to me immediately, "Wait upon the Lord". At times it is difficult to do, especially since we live in a world where people want a "quick fix" to the problem. I, myself have learned over the years that it isn't in my timing but God's. I am ecstatic for each and everyone of you!!! What a way to end your trip!!!! You ran the race. You gave it your ALL. Job WELL done. I can't wait to see everyone tonight at church. I'll be praying for a safe trip home.


Renee said...

P.S. To all the moms and dads anxiously waiting for your child to come home!!! Don't forget about flightaware.com, you can track their flights home!!!!


mel said...

I've got tears streaming down my face.... streaming! What a way to start my day. There is so much to comment on...I'll just pick one... To think of that little boy in all of his confusion for all these years; it rips my heart out. But then to think of what God did, through your prayers and belief- well, it just puts my heart back in. Imagine the testimony he and his mother, and all who have witnessed this, will have for YEARS to come!!! Oh, I wish I could have seen it.

I can't wait till you guys get home and I can hear the rest.

love you

Betsy said...

Alyse hi honey I can't wait to see you!!!!!!!!I hope you didn't overdo it in the sun, and I pray you are feeling well. I hope you have taken lots of pictures. Can't wait to see you. Ps Did this healing happen to the little deaf boy that you spoke so lovingly of on Sunday? What an awesome story.LOVE YOU MOM

IAN Donohue said...

that is amazing i even got a little teary i over it and got Jesus bumps :)

ok i had to do another one cause idk if u were going to be stuck in the air port for a long time so
here are some more.

Since light travels faster than sound, isn't that why some people appear bright until you hear them speak?

The light went out, but where to?

If you got into a taxi and the driver started driving backward, would the taxi driver end up owing you money?

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to see it, do the other trees make fun of it?

Do fish get cramps after eating?

Isn't Disney World a people trap operated by a mouse?

Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?

Do Roman paramedics refer to IV's as "4's"?

Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?

Why is it that in America we can swim in water and do all this stuff with water but yet we cant seam to send water to the places that need it?

If people say god isn't real then why is it that those same people seem to use his name in vane?

Why is it that a person can rejoice in gods name, and the next second be cursing his name?

Why is it no matter how good looking the person is once they put a cigarette in their mouth they aren't as good looking as they were before?

Three men all ask god for something the first man asks to be rich. the second man asks to be wise and, the third man asks god
for what the other two men asked for and god gave it to them. But god asked them one question before he gave them what they wanted.
It was WHY!!!! the first man said so i can live like a king. the second man said so that i can gain it all. and the third man answered so i
can be wise enough to give the money to the people that really need it.

If a wise man is suppose to be wise but doesn't believe in God. And a man that is considered to be not intelligent, then wouldn't it be
true to say that the wise man isn't as wise as the other man?

Why is it that once you put a man in the passenger seat of a car and have the window down them seem to want to use their and as a kite?

Jess K said...

WOW that is so AMAZING!!!!!!!!! =) Idk wat 2 say cuz it's just wow! I can't wait 2 hear everything else that happened when everyone gets back!!!

C ya later

P.S melissa as soon as u get back lets go 2 the movies! ha JK

Essie said...

wow. it is so amazing to read about all the incredible things that have happened while you were all in Jamaica!!! God used you all in such amazing ways. I cannot wait to see all your beautiful/handsome faces back at real life tomorrow night and to hear from each and every one of you about the awesome ways you were used by God and the ways that he changed your lives. I love you all!!!

Love, Ess ;-)

Natalie Hagen :) said...

Oh my goodness!!!! that is so incredibly awesome! God is so wonderful! I can't wait to hear all the stories when u get back trevor. wow! that story about the little deaf boy just amazes me to no end. God is so good!! :)
hallelujah! hahaha can't wait to see u when u get back trevor and courtney! and everyone else!!
love y'all!