Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Wow! This missions trip has been truly incredible and such an amazing experience for me!! There are so many great memories that have been made on this trip. However, one of them in particular I know I will never forget. On Thursday evening, Becky had asked everyone on the trip to stand in faith and to pray for a little boy named Javon, who was born deaf and mute. I had immediately started praying for this little boy that night. Because nothing is impossible for God, right? Then the next day, Alyse and I saw Javon and we immediately started to "play" with him. But, since he is deaf and mute he is also socially inhabited so he would not come near us and if he did he would hit us. Over the next couple of days Alyse and I gained his trust and we grew to be the two closest people to him on the team. At the church dedication service on Sunday, I looked around wondering where Javon was. I saw his little brohter Sherman there, but not him. I got nervous because I knew that Pastor CJ was going to be praying for him in the service. However, Javon did end up showing then! Alyse and I went over to him when Pastor CJ asked for anyone who needs healing to come up front. His mother was holding him down while Alyse, Danielle, and I began to pray for him. I have never in my life prayed so intensely and so loudly for someone. I don't think I have ever wanted anything before in life than for Javon to be healed. Javon was getting very uncomfortable and scared and his mom had to take him away. It made me very upset to see him acting like that. After he left, Alyse and I asked Sherman if he would like to pray for his brother so that Javon could hear and talk. He nodded his head yes, he bowed his head, and then started to pray. This touched my heart! If a little boy of about 7 can pray so intensely for something, then why aren't people praying intensely like that everyday? The service then came to a close and so Alyse and I walked to Javon's house. His mother invited us inside and we said our good-byes. I asked Javon for a hug and he actually came up and gave one to me and then Alyse! This was truly incredible!! I knew then that even though God had not yet cured Javon of being deaf and mute, that he had already started the healing process with just a simple action of a hug! Then, on Monday when I found out about Javon being healed, I immediately started crying and shivering. I had helped heal someone!! I could not believe it, but yet I could because God is truly incredible and nothing is impossible for him!! This one moment has made me realize that God can do anything for us, if we just ask him and pray about it. I now have absolutely NO doubts that God is still producing miracles today. We truly do serve an inredible and awesome God!

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