Tuesday, June 30, 2009

TESTIMONY: Maddi Holland

Before Jamaica, one of my biggest fears has been praying for someone
out loud. I always thought people would think I said something weird or
that my prayers wouldn't be powerful enough, but I did pray that first day
at 8 mile.

We just got done doing the skit "Everything" in the streets and Joey got
up and asked for anyone that needed prayer to come up so we would pray for

I got so scared and didn't want anyone to come up to me just because
I didn't think I was ready yet. But a lady stepped up to me and Pastor
Melissa and said she needed to be saved and also needed prayer for her leg .
I thought I would just let Pastor Melissa do all the work but she looked at
me and asked, "Want to lead off in prayer?" I couldn't say no and I felt
God telling me to do it. So before I prayed for her I prayed for myself. I
asked God to give me the strength and words I needed.

After I was done being afraid over the whole thing, I grabbed the woman's
hands and told her to repeat after me. After I was done, the woman had
tears in her eyes and said "thank you." I don't even remember what I said
because God was just specking through me to her. He was putting the words
in my mouth that he wanted me to say, and when it was over, that fear I've
had for so long was gone.

I'm so happy I was the one to pray for this woman to be saved. This
is a memory I know I will never forget. I believe when God put that woman
there that day, He was not only thinking of her, He was thinking of me.
Because of this experience, I'm no longer afraid to pray in front of others
or for others and I've learned to trust God to speak through me.

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