Tuesday, June 30, 2009

TESTIMONY: Jessica Grasso

This was my first missions trip and I had mixed emotions. I was excited yet nervous at the same time. I wasn't sure what to expect, and I knew I would be pushed way out of my comfort zone. I was willing to be stretched and couldn't wait for what God had in store. The whole trip exceeded my expectations. I know that I tend to put God in a box at times, and in my own mind I put a limit on what God can and cannot do. Experiencing the dedication of the new church and being part of that service was something I will not soon forget. Seeing lives changed and transformed really opened my eyes and made me believe more fully that God is more than able to do what His word says He can do. Ephesians 3:20 says: "...to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us..." We sometimes fail to remember that it is His power working through us that can move mountains. We are the vessels He works through; we just need to be open and willing. During the service I felt like God was calling me to take a step of faith and go up to people and ask them if they needed prayer. This is not something I normally do, but I saw that as I was obedient the Lord spoke through me and I knew that I was speaking His words, not my own. The miraculous acts in the bible were real, and they are just as real today. God is the same God He was yesterday, is today, and will be tomorrow. My faith has grown tremendously. I want to take every lesson that I learned and apply them in my day to day walk. I know that this trip wasn't just about giving one week of my life in Jamaica, but giving my all to God and serving others every day. I choose to boldly proclaim the awesome power of God, knowing that greater things are still to come, in my life and in the lives of millions around the world.

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