Tuesday, June 16, 2009

They have arrived safely

Hey Friends and Family,

Just dropping a short note to let you know that the team has arrived safely. They are in route to Ocho Rios, Jamaica where they will be staying at Teen Challenge. We'll get more info from them at that point. They will have internet access and be able to do some more updates.

Pastor Eran


Kelly said...

Thanks PE, that is what I have been waiting to hear!! I have had the BLOG up at work all day, Waiting for postings. Thank GOD for this venue!!!
Anxious to hear all the 'WOW GOD!' moments!!!

chy said...

Heyy its brandons mom and sister. Its great to hear that you guys arrivied safely!!! We just want you you to let brandon know that we love him an miss him already. We can wait till he comes home=]We are praying for the whole team that. God really blesses jamaica!

love, susan and chyenne

macchiatomama said...

Thanks for the update Pastor Eran, great to know. Jodi Daniels

macchiatomama said...

Hi Everyone on the Jamaica mission team!!! I was so glad to hear that you have arrived in Jamaica. I am so loving this blog. I love that we can stay connected to you so many miles away.Thanks to all the Pastors and leaders for taking the time to give us the updates. Please tell Jake that we love him and miss him much!!!!! We will be keeping each and every one of you in our prayers. We are so excited to see what you all do in Jamaica.Love, The Daniels Family

mel said...

Maddi, we adore you... just thought you should know! Love, Mom and Dad

Renee said...

I got your message. I've been on this website all day and I knew you arrived safely because I read Pastor Eran's post. I am so proud of you and Zach....Yes, I know, you heard it 100x's by now. I love you and miss you, tell Zach I love him and miss him too. How was the flight???? Thank God for Pastor Courtney. Just think, you are a pro now. You could use Dad's frequent flyer miles!!!! Have a great time doing VBS.


The Rodriguez Family said...

I'm so relieved to hear that everyone arrived safely, I will be praying for everyone as you set out to do God's work. Please tell IeSha that we Love and Miss her very much.
The Rodriguez Family

Marlene Goldsborough said...

Hi everyone! We are so glad that you have arrived safely and praise God for all of the little blessings along the way! (Thanks for sharing those stories, Court:) It shows us how personal and present our God is, involved in every little detail of this trip! And when you run into those things that look like obstacles, look hard for what God is doing behind the scenes and you will be amazed as you watch Him bring good out of every situation!

Trevor, you have no idea how proud we are of you! I am very emotional right now as I think of all that God has brought us through and where you are today. I know that God has been preparing you all of your life to be His instrument and even though there have been times of trial and pain, He has always been faithful to use it for your growth and for His glory. I know that this trip is another way for Him to show you His heart, and to mold you and shape you into the BOLD LION that He knows you can be. As you serve God this week by working hard and helping others there in Jamaica, I pray that something will happen in your heart that confirms what it's all about: SACRIFICE, LOVING OTHERS and GIVING to those in need. May a peace just wash over you as you pour out yourself for God and His glory. I pray the same for the whole team...IT'S ALL ABOUT JESUS!<><
May His love fill your hearts to overflowing! <3

I cannot wait to see pictures and hear stories each and every day! I have sent the link to all of my family and friends so that they can follow along. We are so proud of you, Trevor and we love you very much!!!

Talk to you tomorrow,
Love Mom (Marlene)

Mark said...

Hi to everyone on the team! We kept checking all day to see if the planes took off and landed on time...praying for all of you the whole way...so glad that you are all there safely and looking forward to all of the info and pictures that will be coming. Please give Jess a big hug from her whole family, tell her we love her and miss her. We are so glad that you got to go,Jess, we know that this has been a desire for quite a while and now it has come to pass. God is so good and He has much more in store!!
The whole family will be praying for you and the team and for the precious people of Jamaica! We pray that you will all get a good night's rest after all of the traveling!
The Lord bless and keep each one of you..... you will all be in our prayers!
We love you,
The Grasso Fam

Liz K. said...

Thank you so much for keeping us posted. We have been logging in and out just wanting to hear that you have made it safely. Thank God for His protection over all of our children. We love all of you. Melissa we are so happy to hear you have arrived safely. Your Lela has been calling and asking all day for any news. I think we should upgrade your grandparents to techno seniors. It's time for them to get a lap top. What do you think? :)

Love ya's

Momma Liz

Familia Munoz said...

Gabo (aka Juan), Isaac says, "I love you, I love you, I love you, Mama can you get me some popkern?"

Papi says, "Stay safe and keep on praying. I can't think of anything else because Macho is crunching food too loud in my ear."

Macho says, "crunch, crunch, um... be safe, um... LOL, LOL, um..."

Dawnie says, "Be alert, stay safe. We are very proud of you and proud of all that you are about to accomplish. Love you"

McCaffrey Family said...

Thanks for the post! Glad to hear everyone made it safely. We miss you already! Tyler and Alyssa are still waiting for Aunt Ricshy to come home from work. Stay safe and have fun!
McCaffrey/Minford Family

Jess K said...

Yaaaaayyyy u guys r finally there! =D I can't wait 2 c pictures!!! I hope every1 is having a good time too!

Jess =)

chy said...

Tell Brandon its his mother again and that im proud of him and miss him. and counting the days when all of yous are home safely.

Suzymillerjoy said...

Hello to the Jamaica team and hope everyone has gotten some sleep. I know you are all doing a wonderful job. God will bless you as you bless others there in Jamaica and as you travel. I miss my precious daughter Alex Ash, a.k.a. Allea Rose Ash. I miss you girl! So does Rupert and the hamsters. I thought one was stuck in the tube-thingie on the cage but turns out he was just scared to death because I kept knocking on it and hollering for him to come out! Well, he was hanging upside down and looked kind of squashed in there SO I was worried and thought he was stuck and I might have to call 9-1-1:-) Anyway, I put the treats out inside the cage and suprise, suprise - he came out! Quite and experience and glad I didn't mess up my job of babysitting (or hamster sitting, if you will). Well, I'm sure you're having a much more exciting and meaningful time there in Jamaica than I am here in Reading! God Bless and Protect you, Allea-Pallie and the whole wonderful Jamaica team. Praying for all of you and the people you are serving. Love, Mommy a.k.a (Suzanne Miller).