Tuesday, June 30, 2009


During this trip, God spoke to me. He came into my heart, and let his light shine through me. He helped me through the up’s and downs of the trip. From the spiritual warfare, to praying the salvation prayer for two men that weren’t saved, God helped me through it, and he really changed my perspective on life. He showed me how the people in Jamaica have nothing, but they still worship the Lord because he is their only hope. He showed me that we have everything, and how it is so easy for us to turn away from God, but if we spread his word, more and more will come to learn about him. He also showed me how healing a boy who was born deaf and mute was just a small fraction of his power, and that nothing is impossible for God! He can move the mountains if you just believe, because he has greater things in store for the whole world and through him the blind will see, the dead will rise, and we will be free of our sin. God also told me throughout this trip that when I get back home, I am going to make a difference, and I’m ready for his challenge no matter what it may be, because I have the Armor of God, and nothing can stop me now. After this trip, I made a decision to become a missionary because I love witnessing to people who are hungry for the Lord. That is my testimony from the Jamaica missions trip, and I hope that after you read this, that you feel empowered to do something great for your community because you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you!

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