Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wednesday Snapshots


pokedad said...

wow, this is so exciting. i had no idea how caught up i would get with this trip. i love the pictures. God is so awesome. this trip is ministering here in exeter. jake, i am so proud of you. i miss you and can't wait to here from you all the stories that didn't make the blog. i'll be praying for you all. all my love, did i ever remind you to be safe?

Natalie Hagen :) said...

You all look like ur having so much fun! Joey, be careful! I know duck duck goose only requires running in a circle, so i'd think u could handle it! haha and its ok melissa, i would expect that u'd get hurt. JK!!!!! love u! lol and Sami amd Alyse and Maddy all look so excited and happy to be holding the kids! (Maddy's looks strangley similar to a puppet though) hmmm? lol
well, anyways, I'm praying for all of u and i know God has great things planned for the rest of this week! Be safe!

rebekahfrandsen said...

You guys all look like you are having so much fun:)
I cant wait to see everyone:)

D.lo sorry i didnt wright to you yesterday. but i forgot my password that i made for this blog thing but i remember when i woke up today hahah. Im so proud of you and cant wait for you toget home:)

mel said...

Maddi, I love the puppet (Ok, not really... kind of creepy), but I love you HOLDING the creepy puppet :) I love seeing you smile. I wonder how you liked seeing all the children. Did you get teary-eyed YET? I can't wait to see pics with you hanging out with them since they take to you so well (could it be because you take care of your three younger siblings so much??) Love ya! ~ mom

Mike said...

Hi Maddi

I'm on break here in Cary, NC and just logged on to see your beautiful smiling face. So awesome to see you down there and I'm sure you are having an amazing experience. From the recent comments, it sounds like things are already really moving from the ministry. It's so cool to hear God moving at unexpected times. I miss you so much. Even more than mom;-)


Jess K said...

AWWWWW it looks like the kids are having soooo much fun wit all of you guys!!! I wish i waz there! =)...An Maddi that puppet is wow but it's nice 2 see a picture of you having fun! =)....And Melissa nice band-aids.ha You should of packed some knowing yourself ha jk! But you use 2 always trip so it's not that surprising(Just Kidding! You know I love you!)But I guess duck-duck-gosse can be dangerous jk...And that is so great how everyone waz abel 2 help witness 2 a group of people on the spot!...An D.Lo good job 4 being able 2 explain the drama from wat courtney says on the spot 2!

Jess =)

P.S Melissa Robby says HI.

mel said...

If we were sitting at Red Lobster and there was a chair empty next to both dad and me, where would you sit? hehe!!!

Liz K. said...

O.k. I rushed home during lunch hour because Jessica told me there were new pictures online of all of you soooo I got excited and hurried home. I never thought I would be hooked. As for my little Miss Congeniality well that's why you loved the movie so much:) I was gonna set that picture as my background but Joey's boo boo made me think twice:() no offense Joey. Remember safety is important lets stick to safe games:)

Well gotta get back to work. Love and miss you all. Melissa Miss you sooo much. Love you!

Sari said...

Way to go Melissa with your Duck, Duck... Que Bruta !! LOL !!
Love you,
Titi Sara


I promised Lydia i would comment here soooo

I'm mad proud of you guys.
and im proud of Lydia for taking a shower somewhere where there isn't big fluffy towels and curling irons and straighteners and a hundred mirrors everywhere :)


Marianne said...

Hi Missy, How's the weather there? It's been raining a lot her since u left. Have u heard from Aunt Maureen? She says she taught Melissa(pastors daughter) in Sunday school. It's been pretty quiet her since u left.I'm sure u'll make up for it when u return home:)I wish u and ur friends a most fruitful mission. God certainly works miracles when we least expect them. Our prayers are with all of u. Many blessings!Love much,MOM


Hey Brandon looks like your having alot of fun.its probably nicer than up here it's been real rainy. Hopefully God is really moving down and Fillling the place with his spirit.Hope you ok and God is protecting you
