Tuesday, June 16, 2009

They're Off!!!

The GT Foyer was filled with excitement and nervous energy as this year's team met to start their Jamaica Mission's Trip. What an exciting group of students and leaders that find themselves together as family for the next week. This team has already experienced it's share of trials watching several last minute changes take place to their group. In just the last week we've seen Pastor Eric step off for medical reasons and Sami Paul for financial reasons. Those spaces were filled by Pastor CJ and Pastor Melissa. Then, just yesterday Ian confirmed that his passport, that he applied for months ago would not arrive on time. He graciously decided to give his ticket to Sami who literally burst into tears at the news that she would be once again joining the team.

So they're off with great hope and anticipation of all that God will do and all that will be changed in their lives. Check back often to this blog to for updates, prayer requests, testimonies, pictures and maybe even a video or two. Don't forget to leave a couple encouraging comments to lift the spirit of the team. They'll be reading them each day during family time.

Wishing I was on my way with them,

Pastor Eran


Kelly said...

Walking into the church foyer was invigorating last night, even at MIDNIGHT. The excitement was tangible!
God is going to do AMAZING things with this group!
Peter look after my SASSYgirl, Iesha spread your GODwings, and DOS you are ON for blog comments.
Cannot wait to see the pictures!
Be safe,
Blessings, Mama Kelly

pokedad said...

we arrived at the GT parking lot last night at 11pm Jacob wanted to be there nice and early. The pure excitement on his face as he prepared to go on his first missions trip for God was reminiscent of his face as a little boy on Christmas morning. He was literally jumping up and down.(and the monster energy drink might have added to the bouncing)Everyone was to be at church by midnight, Jake wanted to get there by 11pm(and we were). I sat outside the church watching all the excitement in the lit foyer (I had to be in the van with Ben who was sleeping) It made me feel so good to see the group of wonderful people who would be with my little Jake(well maybe not so little anymore)this would be his family for the next 8 days and as I sat there as a nervous mom ready to let her little boy go far away ,I prayed and God gave me an amazing peace along with the reminder that HE knows the plans that he has for Jake. Jeremiah 1:5 says,"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." This was one of the many verses that the team needed to memorize to prepare for this trip and I memorized them too. Thank you God for Word. I could hug and kiss Jake goodbye with the calm assurance that HE has and will always be with Jake. I can not wait to see and hear all the amazing things that God has planned this week. Love and blessings to all , Jodi Daniels

IAN Donohue said...

i hope you guys are having so much fun and sami im sooooo glade i could give u my ticket when i found out u couldnt go and i had a feeling that i wouldnt b able to go i was planning on telling courtny to give my ticket to you and im glade she asked if i could do that im sooo happy that you could go and im also sad i missed out on such a great chance to get to hang with such a great group of people on a side note i got my passport tuesday morning at 9am lol but im still more glade i could hav sami go in my place. :) take care everyone

Liz K. said...

To be honest I had no idea what to expect when arriving at the GT Foyer last night to drop Melissa off. It was wonderful to see our youth so excited to do God's work. I know this is going to be such a life changing experience for all of you. I have given the blog site to all of my family and friends letting them know about the amazing things that all of you will be doing. I have to admit this will be an experience for me too. Love all of you!!!!!!!! Have an amazing time. Miss yas already! Yes miss my baby girl too Melissa. I too can't wait to see those pictures.

Renee said...

I have been filled with many emotions the past few days. Unbelievable excitement, nervousness and sadness. My children, Lydia and Zach were leaving me for a week to be part of a life changing journey. When I walked into church last night, a sense of peace came over me. God was with me and calmed all my fears. Reggae music was playing in the background, the excitement and energy was intense. I wanted to go along!! I feel at ease because I know my children are with an awesome group of people. Many thanks to all of you for the time and preparation you put in to make this a successful trip. It's alot of hard work and I admire each and every one of you. Pastor Courtney, you are an ANGEL. Thank you for holding Lydia's sweaty hand! I knew you could do it Lydia! God does answer prayers. Many family members and friends are praying for your safety and that God will do amazing things. Remember Philippians 4:13, one of my favorite verses. Can't wait to read the next post.

P.S. I've been awake since 5:30 A.M. The internet blows my mind. I tracked your flight from JFK to Atlanta on flightaware.com. Minute by minute it showed me your altitude, speed, how many minutes left in your flight and when you landed! Unbelievable.

Pastor Joy said...

Sorry to be the bubble burster....I am sinfully (so just kidding) jealous that I am not on one of those empty seats. I will get over myself....God has already smacked me around. I'll be ok....really. Don't feel bad for me..... I'll continue to be praying and believing for amazing God stuff for all the rest of you! I will be seeking deliverance for myself....

HAHAHAHA......lolololol.....just kidding! About the me stuff. You guys rock! Have a blast. Be changed over the next 7 days! Don't you DARE come back the same. I love you all!

Marlene Goldsborough said...

Hey guys! i hope u all have an awesome time and do amazing things for God! love ya all lots and i'm praying for u! especially my little brother ;) Have fun trevor! I pray that God does wonderful things in your life while u are down there, and that they will change u forever. Be safe everyone!!! see ya'll in a week :)))) Natalie

IAN Donohue said...

o this is for sami i just wanted to tell u today my mom went to a woman's meeting at the church and your mom was their but my mom didn't know and your mom said i have a praise report my daughter was able to go to Jamaica because a kid couldn't get his passport and my mom said is your daughter sami and your mom was like yeah y and my mom said cause that kid was my son and your mom got really happy and gave my mom a big huge and said how much she was glade i gave u my ticket. idk i just thought that was really cool that that happened anyways just want to say hi to everyone as well. love u all so much.