Wednesday, June 17, 2009

"The Road to Ocho Rios"

We arrived safely in Kingston, eager to get through the ever-nerve-wracking customs and see our dear friends, the Wiles family and Minott! First we had to figure out which of our bags did not make it on the plane - we saw at least one of our team bags held back from the flight... or so we thought! Much to our delight, all of our bags arrived at the airport, and we made it through customs without a single hitch!

We ran into a little bit of trouble when the car rental company, from whom we reserved 3 vans for the week, informed us that they made a mistake and didn't have any vans available! However, the salesperson came up with a solution before we ever had time to panic :)

To kick off the trip with something truly Jamaican, we dined on beef and chicken patties from Tastee's (spicy minced meat and vegetables in a pocket of fried dough). From there we began our journey to Ocho Rios with a caravan of 3 vans following the Wiles vehicle. The roads are narrow and winding, with sharp dropoffs to the right, and drivers who were entirely too comfortable passing each other with a split second to spare. The scenery was lush and tropical - there was something adventurous about the whole thing (we couldn't help seeing who could do the best Tarzan impression and having Lion King sing-alongs :).

At one point in time, we had to pull over because some of the girls were feeling very car sick.... And then we had to pull over again when we blew a tire on the rental van! Thank goodness the spare was a real tire and not a donut :) Peter jumped in and changed the tire while the team lifted the luggage filled vehicle. In no time, it was fixed, and we were back on the road. It seemed as though the jungle went pitch black within minutes after changing the tire, so we were so happy it happened when it did and not any later in the trip! The jungle is pretty creepy in the dark!

We arrived back at the Teen Challenge a few hours later than we expected (close to 8 p.m. instead of 4 p.m.) and spent much of the night unpacking and organizing. Breakfast is served tomorrow at 6:15 a.m., and there is much to do in the village. Already, it's after 2 a.m. here, and I have to be up in 2 1/2 hours! I will check back in tomorrow evening!

Love and gratitude,

*Pastor Courtney and the Jamaica family

P.S. Keep the comments coming! We'll be reading them during family time in the evening! Thank you for all your support and encouragement - it will help to keep us going :)


pokedad said...

thank you for taking the time to keep us informed at home. i know that that God has amazing things in store for the team this week. i am so thankful to be able to share in some of them daily. jake, did i metion to be safe? all my love, dad

Mark said...

We're thankful to the Lord that all have arrived safely. I know God is going to move mightily during your time there. Souls saved, bodies healed, lives set free! Jess we're praying for you. God has good things in store. Love Dad & Mom

janine said...

What an adventure already! Thank you so much for blog and the pictures!
Praying your day is full of way too much of His love and joy that you just HAVE to share it!

Be blessed Be a blessing!
~ janine
(p.s. a special hello to Joey and are loved!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Enjoy what the Lord has for you today. You're on a wonderful adventure, go capture the moment and continue to build your story!
Go For It!

janine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Justine said...

Hey this is Justine AKA (Jamaica Mom)
I miss you all and wish I could be with you. I wanted to give you all some MOM advice since I can't be with you here goes.
Girl, please don't leave items laying around that shouldn't be, you know what I mean!!!
Keep the bathroom clean, no hair ties and toothbrushes laying around...remember to keep all your stuff with you and take it back after your shower..K
Guys be kind to the girls, help them when needed,and that means help with the dishes...
Joey can you just let at least one hour of your day NOT to be a hero...give someone else a chance..
Melissa Koczot..there are BUGS...not to fear it will be ok. Make sure you keep all food out of your sleeping area..that's why there are bugs...Melissa that is your job to enforce that one.
And this is important...STAY OFF MISS VICKIE'S BED...she doesn't like that
DRINK, DRINK, DRINK...I am not there to fill your water bottles so remember to do that ok...
oh and if you feel sick from the sun, take a break...don't be a hero that faints...the Jamaica hospital is probably not a fun place to visit.
Wear your sunscreen..ouch it's hot.
Oh and good luck getting lots of rest since the music goes till 2 and the dogs bark till 3 and the rosters start crowing at 4 and wake up time is 6, but try your best to rest..girls that means no giggeling after lights out...and Peter can you wait to turn off the lights till everyone is in their bed, David Sr. try your best to stay awake until curfew...I really could go on and on but I will stop there...just a little mom advice and to make you all laugh. I love you all...miss you all and am praying that God will shine his light during the day and give you much rest in the night...Go and be blessed and give all those beautiful children hugs from me.
Much love from back home,

mel said...

Ah Maddi! I wonder if you were one of the "car sick" girls... If I were a betting woman, I'd say you were. I meant to give you more Dramamine, but it can make you too tired. I hope you're doing good. I pray that God gives you energy and strength and that you don't get too tired (or grumpy since I know how you're not "usually" a morning person). I also pray that you can take the van rides (I would be passing out from seeing the drop off, but that's just me!)

We love you so, so much. But, your dad and I keep arguing about this one little thing... please finally answer this question once and for all: who do you miss more? I keep telling him you miss me and he says you miss him and I think I'm right (as usual).
Don't give us your usual answer, "I love and miss you both the same." Please tell PC to tell us and we can stop fighting ;) hehe.

Alright, I'm sure I've officially embarrassed you with my email rambling, but I'm trying to be myself with you, even if tons are reading it. I'm sure you're blushing.

Oh, I thought I'd tell you that Nana can't get Luke to do anything in Fla except catch bugs, frogs, snakes, and lizards. That's it- doesn't care about fishing anymore either... just loves the bugs, since, you know, we don't have such a variety of them here! What a trip of a kid :)

I love you! xxoo

Love~ Mom

gerri said...

Hope that all of you are enjoying your trip as well as helping those in need of your support. Please be safe.

Gerri Lea Witzel

Maria said...

Hello everybody! Just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for a missions trip filled with "Awe what an Awesome God" moments! Lydia and Zach Snow, your dedication to this cause has inspired me greatly! Kudos to all of you for your selfless acts of kindness, and praise to God that moves through you to reach others! We will check the blog daily! Love, Maria, Jeff, Kyla,Kacy and Jake Wonder.
PS. Lyd and Zach, Nonna would be so proud of you both!!

Kelly said...

I am sooo happy to see PICTURES!! PC your stories about the roads have me crossing my fingers(Marlee show them what I mean!!) Just keep thinking MORE ADVENTURES. Seriously though, I can see God's hand in it all!!
My heart soared when I saw Marlee and Esha's head bowed knowing they were praying, as we all are here, even if we don't know the exact moment you need those prayers the most!
I am glued to this sight(even when I am SUPPOSED to be working, shhh!)
I love you all and will keep praying, reading, and looking for more photos!!
Mama Kelly

Kelly said...

Just an FYI for you. We bought Zeke some more crickets(eww) and while at the pet store Troy and Michael MADE me watch a snake crush and eat a mouse (crossing my fingers, AGAIN!!)
We came home and guess who got the job of putting the crickets in with Zeke, NOOO not the boys, but ME(fingers crossed AGAIN!) He ate the biggest one, and was quite content!! Your brother put the OPEN bag of crickets on his bed, and I almost lost my mind, fearing the thought of having to catch crickets all over the house!!!
We all miss you VERY much already. Troy for OBVIOUS reasons, Michael because you are the ONLY one who willingly argues with him, and ME because you are my SASSYgirl!
Be blessed today, and be a blessing. Bring home stories, trinkets, 'GOD' moments, but please NO BUGS!!!
I love you, mama

IAN Donohue said...

Hope you all are having fun.

Why do toasters always have a setting that burns the toast to a horrible crisp, which no decent human being would eat?

If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a stupid song about him?

If the professor on Gilligan’s Island can make a radio out of a coconut, why can’t he fix a hole in a boat?

Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours? They’re both dogs!

If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?

Do the Alphabet song and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star have the same tune?

Why did you just try singing the two songs above?

Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog’s face, he gets mad at you, but when you take him for a car ride; he sticks his head out the window?

If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?

Early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese

Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don't have film.

Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery.

Mike said...

Hi Maddi, it's Dad.

Just wanted to drop a quick note to let you know just how much I love and miss you. It was so good to see you smiling with Jamaica in the background. I can't begin to tell you just how proud I am to see you finally able to go on a missions trip. I know it's something God has had on your heart since you were very little. It's very difficult to let you go so far away without me there to watch over you, but I know that you are very well taken care of and that God is keeping you protected and safe. Please know that I am thinking of you 24/7 and praying that you have an amazing experience ministering to all those in need. I love you so, so, so, so much and can't wait to see more pictures and updates.


Anonymous said...

Dear Sami...

Knock, Knock.
"Who's there"
"Disguise who"
Disguise jokes are killing me.

Love, Moe.

Brandon Lemois said...

Dear Sami,

Knock Knock
"Whos There"
"Lucy who?"
Lucy Lastic lets your pants fall down

Love, Brandon

mel said...

Oh, Great!!! After Dad's sweet, sincere comment, you're going to say you miss him more huh? Well, I gave birth to you (have I told you that yet?? maybe once or twice?)...
smooches dear!

Anonymous said...

and again....

knock knock
"Who's there?"
"Yoo who?"

haha enjoy. Hope you guys are having an awesome time!!! We'll keep the jokes coming!

Nana said...

Hey Maddi it's Nana - well I wrote this really long note and it disappeared. It was great to hear that you all made it safe, hope you weren't one of the girls feeling a bit sick. You know we are so proud of you and know you are going to leave such an impression on the people you meet and help. We miss you and can't wait to hear all about your time in Jamaica.

Cam, Luke and Sara have been great, Luke caught two turtles by accident, no fish yet, he seems more interested in catching frogs, lizards and any other crawly - hoppy critter. You should see Sara swim, she just jumps in the pool (floaties on) and swims all over by herself. So Cute!! Cam is Cam, intertaining himself drawing and playing computer games.

Have a great time Maddi, I'll write more later.

Love you soooooooooooooooo much,

Nana, PopPop, the kids and Maxwell

Betsy said...

Honey I dont know who you are hugging but I can see the joy in your face, kind of like you do everything especially serving the lord, you are an inspiration to me. I love you, say hi to joey for us.

Marlene Goldsborough said...

Thanks for the update Courtney. Sorry you guys had a flat tire, but it sounds like you all worked together as a team and took care of things quickly! I hope all of the girls' tummies are feeling better!

Trevor, Ava was so happy to see you on the blog site! She smiled so sweetly, and as I tried to show her the rest of the pictures, she kept saying "show me Trevor again"! (Sorry, guys, but she only wanted to look at her big brother's face!)

As Natalie prayed before lunch today, Nathanael reminded her to "pray for Trevor at Jamaica"! So cute! He wants you to know that he built you an awesome village out of his blocks, and he wished that you were here to see it.

We love you and miss you, and we hope you had a really good day, filled with lots of special moments. Hope you get some sleep tonight (how's that air mattress workin' for ya?) Try any new foods? Remember, I packed you some pop-tarts in case you need them!
Talk to you tomorrow,
Love Mom <3

Renee said...

Hi to everyone. Sounds like everyone is having a great time in spite of some small mishaps along the way. Praying that God has blessed you today as you touch the lives of others. It's raining and cool in Reading. I'm sure it is quite a contrast to what you are experiencing. Have you showered at the Falls? Ahhh Refreshing!!!
Lydia and Zach-I miss you and love you. The pictures are great. Lydia-I hope you took a Tums for the van ride, you really didn't get sick, did you? I wouldn't be surprised since you love amusement rides so much. Zach-I know you were fine-Did it compare to any roller coasters we've been on? I love what Justine wrote...Girls, don't let your things laying around. Yeah right! I just found the floor in Lydia's bedroom. I don't think you'll recognize your room when you get home. Staying busy cleaning and reading the blog. Thanks for all the updates. Can't wait to read about the next adventure!!! God Bless.


Liz K. said...

Yeah love pictures!!!! Keep them coming. Sami will MISS you tonight during small group it won't be the same. But love the photos of that smile. Still thinking about all of you. Okay Courtney, thank you for all you do now the story about steep drop off's made my tummy go upside down. Melissa hope you got a good laugh from Justine's comments cause I sure did:) Love you all soooo much. Be safe.

Love Momma Liz

mel said...

So Melissa, I'm wondering: How did it go sleeping next to Maddi last night? Did she slap you in her sleep? How about wake you with her talking in the middle of the night? Did you hear her yell, "Cameron and Luke, STOP FIGHTING"?? Maddi, did Melissa's bright yellow pants keep you all awake? Did they shine like a beacon of light for the wise men to follow? Love you!

Anonymous said...

HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII:) this is allana hahahaha i really miss you guys:)I pray for yall every night before i go to bed and every morning when i wake upp hahahahaha:)Ha yoo sami it looks like i'm gonna have to conquer the community by myself hahaha:) Hey marz and esha it's soo awkward not texting one of you hahahaha i love yaa both to death hahaha:) I hope you guys are having funn down there and i really hope that when you come back that you will all be as dark as me and then mabey we can have a tan party hahaha:) Be safe everyone I love love love you all so very and i'm gonna keep prayin:)

Anonymous said...

o hey by the way hahaha if you guys see some really colorful or just yellow or purple cloth down there please take a picture soo i can see it i wanna know the diffrence between jamaican and african cloth hahaha GOD BLESS:)

chy said...

hey brandon it,s mom i was looking at your baby pictures today and i almost started to cry but i know God is moveing in many way for you.i have faith in GOD. i know hes with all of you and im proud of all of yous for stand up for JESUS. well that,s it for now have fun and GOD BLESS.

macchiatomama said...

Hi Jake!!!! I miss you soooo much!! I hope you are blessing others and being blessed in Jamaica. I can't wait to hear how God has worked in and through you this week. I loved seeing your smiling face on the blog. Thanks so much to Pastor Courtney for the postings. Ben says"jakeeee I love you" Zeke tried to climb into your hamper today just to get close to your clothing . Dustin says Hi and wants me to say that he is #21. Talk to you tommorrow , get some sleep tonight. MWAH MHAH MWAH

Unknown said...

Hey Danielle
its your little bro i just want to say hiiiiiiiiiiii
and that i miss u and i love u

[ps please be safe on the ride back]

Jess K said...

So like Maddi's mom said Melissa how is it sleeping next 2 Maddi?ha...but Melissa your probably worse then Maddi! So Maddi how is it sleeping next Melissa??? she like beats you up while your sleeping!!! hahaha...Unless it's just me cuz I'm her sister? Oh and Melissa how r they bugs? ha I always think about wat u did at home the last time u killed a bug or all the other times you do. ha...One last thing I borrowed your hoodie 4 youth group cuz I know how you love me Soooo much that you wouldn't mind =)So THANKS!

Jess =)

Unknown said...

Hi honey(danielle),
sounds like you guys had alot of fun on the way there! Glad to hear there were no "mishaps" getting through customs this year, i know how that can be :) ! hehe.

Anyway, it is so good to see pix of all of you smiling and enjoying being there! I hope you had a great day today and got to do incredibly amazing things! (which i know you did!) Each day will hold amazing things for you to accomplish and be blessed by.

Danielle, we are so proud of you, and how you have grown so much in this last year to where your heart is so giving and compassionate. God will use you and all the gifts that he has given you.

We miss and love you so much, even NIck ( i think he is really bored without you here).

I can't wait to see more pix and hear about the great things God is using all of you to do.

I just need to know Trevor, How did you like the juicy patties? LOL. No, really, i want to know :)

Keep up the great work, you are in our prayers at all times and be well rested, by enjoy this opportunity to the fullest!!

Much love,
Mom & Dad

RJK said...

Heyy this comment is for Alex.. just wanted to see how things are for you in JAMACAA. :) ummm not much is new, but im looking forward to going to the beach soon! Have fun and im expecting storiesss. <33 Rach

Mary Q. said...

Hi Lydia and Zach,
I am still in shock that your mom let you two go on this trip! God is awesome. Lydia, Jarred says he misses you, actually he said "I miss the little bugger!" I am praying for you daily and anxious to hear about all your adventures. You are both amazing testimonies of God's faithfullness. Be safe and God Bless you all. Love Mary Q.